An unorthodox night in the living room

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As soon as you arrived home, Loki knew something was off. He stood from the couch and helped you take your coat off before hanging it up. Usually you'd begin talking about your day and which coworker did what but instead you simply said a quick "thank you"before making your way towards the kitchen. Not sure what to do with this change in routine, Loki followed behind you.

"How was your day my love?" He asked, leaning against the counter.

"Good." You answered simply, opening the fridge.

"Anything exciting happen?" He delved.

"No." You exhaled, settling the things you had taken out onto the counter.

"Nothing at all? I mean surely there must have been one memorable thing." He tried to jest.

Waiting for you to answer, Loki noticed that you paused your movements as you took a deep breath.

"What have you done today?" You decided to ask noticing that there were no clean dishes.

"Today was my day off." He answered.

"And yet you couldn't even load the dishwasher." You scoffed.

"My apologies I've—"

"You know I've been at work for twelve hours. Twelve hours and you couldn't even load a dishwasher."


"And now I can't even make a fucking sandwich because there are no clean dishes." You continued as your lip began to tremble "I'm sick and tired of having to do literally everything!"

"Y/n, calm down." Loki tried to speak, cautiously wrapping an arm around you.

"Get off of me!" You exclaimed, pushing him away before you realised your action "I'm sorry." You began to sob before Loki took a step towards you, wrapping his arms around you as you cried, tears staining his shirt. "I'm sorry." You repeated, clinging onto the material as Loki ran his hand up and down your back soothingly.

"What's the matter?" He asked, voice quiet.

"I—I, Im just so tired." You stuttered. "My shifts are back to back, I work hard and yet I feel like I get zero recognition sometimes."

Remembering the fact that you had spoken about a promotion being offered at work before you left, Loki gathered that you probably didn't get it despite your hard work and dedication. You loved your job and you were extremely good at it. You deserved all the promotions. Holding you tighter, Loki continued to let you cry as he kept rubbing your back and occasionally placing a kiss at the top of your head.

"Sorry about the stupid dishwasher thing, today was your day off." You finally spoke once you calmed down.

"Still, I should have loaded it, my apologies." He smiled, "how about we order food?"

"I'd like that please." You grinned, wiping your tears. "Let me just quickly change and I'll do it."

"No, you have a bath and I'll do it." He insisted, spinning you around towards the door.

"Are you sure?"

"Y/n, I can order a takeaway." He chuckled "now go and relax for a while and maybe I'll even join you." He teased, leaning down to kiss your neck.

Once you left, Loki quickly ordered the food before loading the dishwasher and putting away the things you had taken out of the fridge. Entering the spare bedroom, he quietly unmade the bed before taking the mattress and putting it in the living room on the floor. Grabbing some blankets and pillows, he tried his hardest to make it comfortable. The food still hadn't arrived so Loki entered your shared bedroom and laid out some clean pyjamas on the bed before going into the kitchen and pouring out a glass of wine. Opening the bathroom door, he sighted you in the bath relaxing with your eyes closed. Handing you the glass, he rummaged through the cabinet and picked up a bottle of lavender oil. Settling at the edge of the bath, he took some of the oil in his hands before beginning to massage your shoulders making you sink further down into the bath.

"Mmm, that's nice." You sighed contently.

"I'm sorry about the promotion, you deserve the world." He spoke causing your eyes to open.

"I got the promotion." You answered.


"I'm overworked enough as it is, this promotion will be a nightmare." You laughed as the doorbell rang. Wiping his hands on a towel, Loki stood up and left to get the food whilst you finished in the bath. Loki shared out the food whilst you changed into your Pyjamas before entering the living room and gasping.

"Tonight seemed like one of those nights." Loki smiled as he exited the kitchen with the two plates. When you and Loki had first moved into the apartment, your bed frame hadn't arrived yet and so you both had to sleep on the mattes on the floor. You spent the whole night watching films and eating junk food. It became tradition whenever either of you needed a break from life. An unorthodox night in the living room.

Once you had both finished eating, you relaxed against Loki whilst you forced him to watch Clueless. Noticing you falling asleep, he pulled the duvet over you, quickly kissing your forehead before picking up the remote to change it.

"The one that looks like Scott from your workplace ends up with Cher." You mumbled before falling asleep.

"I love you." He answered, not sure whether or not you heard it. You did.

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