I need you tonight

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"I've got to give it to you Stark, you sure know how to throw a party." You congratulated, eyes running over the decadent hall littered with New York's most elite. Usually whenever Tony was hosting a party, he'd hire a mansion; however, considering this party had fewer guests and renovations in the tower had just been completed, he opted for a home party. As soon as you got the invite, you jumped at the chance of seeing the team again, most importantly the dark haired prince. Considering you were a SHIELD agent, you rarely interacted with the team as a whole however you did know them all well individually, especially Tony hence why you were the only person from your department in attendance.

"You know me, I love parties." He smiled in agreement, looking around the room too.

"Ooo, looking good." Natasha chimed in, joining the conversation.

"Thanks Nat" you grinned "not so bad yourself." You winked before a few others wandered towards the three of you.

"Woah" Bucky began, pausing as he took you in "you've—changed." He finished, eyeing you suspiciously.

"Thanks?" You snorted in reply.

"In a good way" he rushed out "a really really good way."

"Evening y/n." Steve smiled.

"Hey Cap." You saluted, hand falling when your gaze met someone else's.

"Well, aren't you just divine." Loki smiled coyly, dipping his head slightly before lifting your hand and placing a kiss on the back of it.

"Hello Loki." You answered, trying to hide the deep desire you felt for him at this moment. Your eyes mapped one another as the sounds of the people around you faded out until the only thing you heard was your increasing heartbeat. You felt a slight pang of smugness when his eyes lingered on your chest for a moment, this dress was perfect. You had decided on a little black dress, nothing too extravagant just a cocktail strap, cowl neck, small leg slit dress which by looking at Loki's expensive black suit was an ideal fit. You were both matching as if you had planned this prior. When the previously drowned out sounds came into focus again, you realised how long you had been staring at Loki and wondered if you looked as desperate as you felt. You waited for a few more moments, wondering if he was going to make a move so when he didn't, you acted. "Well, come on soldiers, let's dance." You announced, linking arms with Steve and Bucky, catching a glimpse of Loki from the corner of your eye with his jaw clenched.

You, Bucky and Steve ventured over to the bar before you began dancing. It was fun, the three of you together like that. Close. It was nice. The guys who had spent half the night ogling you looked away instantly when they saw you with the super soldiers. They were protective in nature without even knowing it. When the music slowed slightly, Steve got more drinks whilst you danced with Bucky. His hands found your waist as you swayed feeling someone staring daggers at you both. When you had eventually turned 180 degrees, you realised it was Loki who was watching you both with an unreadable expression. Your lips curled up into a small smirk.

"You're totally screwing her right." Natasha spoke making Loki visibly flinch, he was too engrossed in you to take in the rest of his surroundings.

"Screwing" Loki scoffed, barely taking his eyes off of you "I would have preferred the term copulating or even fucking and for your information we are not doing any of those things." He assured.

"Wow, really?" Natasha almost gasped.

"Well" Loki began, a smile playing on his lips in reminiscence "there was this one time we—well—let's just say there was a lot of kissing as well as some heavy petting but nothing else."

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