Post mission ❤️‍🩹 P1/3

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You loved going on missions with the team. It was thrilling, electrifying and gratifying. You, along with the other avengers were not only taking down some of the worst organisations in the world, but you were also saving dozens if not hundreds of lives. The only thing that compared to the exhilarating feeling of a successful mission was the arrival back at the compound. The relief of knowing everyone was fine. The high-fives you'd exchange with everyone as you exited the quintet. Knowing you'd be going back to your comfortable bed. The adrenaline. The post mission sex. Loki's adrenaline. The sounds of panting that'd fill the room whilst you and Loki drove your pent up adrenaline into one another. The orgasm. Nothing was more intoxicatingly delightful than a post mission orgasm.

Walking into your room, you let out a sigh of relief thanking the gods that you were back safely. Stepping into the bathroom, you began ridding yourself of your suit, tossing it to the floor. Standing over the sink, you looked into the mirror only to be greeted by the sight of Loki who had clearly just teleported behind you with no warning.

"You could have knocked" you teased making eye contact with Loki in the mirror.

"Aren't you a pretty sight" he replied seductively whilst his eyes hungrily ran over your body.

"I'll be even prettier once I've had a shower" you smiled beginning to turn toward the shower only to feel Loki wrap his arms around you trapping you between him and the sink.

"You are the most bewitching goddess I've ever had the pleasure of gazing upon in all the nine realms" he purred in your ear causing you to fall back slightly onto him and feeling his growing erection through his trousers.

"Join me?" you giggled feeling him slowly grinding it against your bare back.

"I can take you in the shower if that's what you wish" he simpered emphasising the you. "Or I could peruse my desires and take you right here" he finished moving his hands up your body and cupping your breasts.

"Loki" you mumbled closing your eyes as he began kissing your neck.

"Hmm?" He hummed moving one of his hands lower.

"St—" you were cut off by the feeling of Loki's fingers circling your clit as his other hand resumed massaging your breast as his mouth carried on attacking your neck.

"What was that?" He asked breaking the contact his mouth had on your neck and looking into the mirror at your hooded eyes as you writhed in his grip.

"Don't stop" you moaned feeling an orgasm approaching and closing your eyes tightly.

"You truly are breathtaking when you're moments away from coming undone on my fingers" Loki whispered before nibbling your ear lobe.

"Yesssss" you whined feeling your frenzy overtake you as Loki used his grip on your breast and your back against his chest to steady you. As Loki continued fingering you through your orgasm, you opened your eyes to see him looking at you with a sinful expression in the mirror.

"You truly are a queen y/n" he grinned biting down on your shoulder "but right now, I'm going to fuck you like a harlot"

Loki's hands on you, in you, departed as he undid his fliers freeing his throbbing erection. You hadn't even fully recovered from the orgasm you just had before you knew another one was soon coming. Gripping the sink, you felt a hand on your back bending you over. Looking up into the mirror to catch Loki's gaze, you saw the smug smirk that painted his face as he stroked your entrance with his cock lubricating himself with your arousal.

"I find it empowering that you can get this wet from just my fingers alone" he bragged earning a scoff from you which was short lived as he thrusted into you causing you to let out a load moan. "Let's see how loud and wet you'll be from my cock, I'm still in desperate need of empowering" he goaded, firmly gripping your hips as he slid in and out of you.

"Fuck Loki" you panted biting your bottom lip.

"You are" he said through gritted teeth as he pulled out "sOo tight" he finished diving back in hitting your g-spot as you cried out in pleasure.

"Right thereeeee right, yeesss thereee" you screamed as Loki's grip tightened whilst he continued hitting that perfect spot.

"Open your eyes" Loki ordered using one of his hands to lift your chin up so you'd see your reflection in the mirror "who do you belong to?"

"You" you whimpered causing Loki's thrusts to become more aggressive.

"WHO DO YOU BELONG TO!?" He demanded looking into your eyes with his desire filled ones in the mirror.

"YOU. LOKI" you screamed feeling yourself about to cum.

"SAY MY NAME" he commanded continuing his plunging.

"LOKI LOKIII YESSS" you howled feeling your walls contracting.

"Sweet Valhalla" Loki groaned as he spilled into you. His thrusts became sloppier, lazier, slower, as you both rid out your climaxes.

Still leaning forward with Loki inside you, you let out a small breathless chuckle.

"What?" He asked smiling down at you.

"Who do you belong to?" You mocked mimicking Loki's earlier tone causing him to propel his hips forward causing his cock to twitch in your sensitive folds.

"Fu ckokay" you huffed causing him to be the one now chuckling.

"Now, if you wish for me to take you in the shower, all you have to do is ask my inamorata" he teased slapping your ass.

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