Hot & Cold P1 / Release

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When you were told Thor would be bringing his brother back down to earth, you didn't think you'd be one of the people who'd have to guard him. You spent ages trying to convince Fury that you were not the right person for the job but considering your years of S.H.I.L.D training and the fact that you could control fire, which was ideal considering Loki's heritage, it was agreed that you were the perfect person for the job. You were told that Loki would be staying in the basement of Stark Tower where there were special measures in place to keep him contained.

The day Thor arrived at the tower after having been gone for weeks, preparing Loki to be taken to earth, tensions were high. The team has encountered Loki before but that was only briefly. Now he'd be actually living in the same building as you all. An enemy living amongst hero's, it was oddly poetic.

"Ready y/n?" Tony asked tapping your back as you all headed towards the balcony to meet Thor.

"As I'll ever be." You replied with a nod as you walked.
When you arrived at the balcony along with the others, the first thing you noticed was the contraption around Loki's mouth preventing him from talking.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Tony teased as he walked towards the aggrieved Loki.

"Lady y/n." Thor cheered as he hugged you, his previous stern expression being replaced with a jovial one. When Thor engulfed you, spinning you around, you caught a glimpse of Loki's face. He was looking directly at you. The sight was chilling. As he put you back down, he greeted the rest of the team whilst you glared at Loki who surprisingly raised one of his hands and gave you a small wave causing your eyes to widen in alarm.

"Thor, he-he's not tied up." You said frantically, pointing at Loki as you turned to Thor.

"Lady y/n, rest assured, my brother hasn't broken free of his restraints." He guaranteed.

Turning back towards Loki, you saw that his hands were in fact bound. You narrowed your gaze at him as your eyes moved from his hands tied in front of him to his eyes that were staring into yours. As Thor dragged Loki in, a team of S.H.I.E.L.D agents arrived to take him down whilst Thor got better acquainted with the team. Being on 'Loki duty' with the agents, you gave a loud "bye" to everyone before heading down as well.
When you arrived in the basement, you saw that it had actually been turned into a high security cell. The agents took Loki into the cell before exiting and locking the door.
"Anything else agent y/l/n" one of them asked as they looked at you whilst you leant back on a wall, observing what was happening.

"Nothing I can't handle. You're all free to go." You smiled as you stood straight from the wall.

"What about his restraints? Do you want us to untie him?" Another agent asked.

"Well, you've already locked the door now so I guess he'll have to stay like that." You joked. "Don't worry, you all go, I'll untie him."

Once the agents left, you turned fully so that you were facing Loki. Crossing your arms, you watched him as he watched you. Once you heard the elevator door close, Loki began stalking closer do the cell door.

"If you step back, I'll remove your gag." You offered as you uncrossed your arms. Loki nodded prompting you to step towards the cell. "J.A.R.V.I.S. unlock the door please." You called up to the ceiling making Loki look upwards in surprise when the door unlocked. You cautiously stepped in, gesturing for Loki to sit on the bed. Nodding, he abided and sat down, hands still tied in front of him. Reaching behind his head, you pressed a button, releasing the muzzle.

"Can you also untie these?" Loki asked lifting his arms up, his gravelly voice almost making you jump.

"You can say thank you." You replied noticing his gaze shift from you to the open cell behind you. For a second, a look of contemplation crossed his face before it was replaced by surprise as the boarders of the door ignited.

"If I wanted to, I still could." He smirked looking back at you.

"Look at the flames Loki, you couldn't" you replied coyly. These flames looked as if they were conjured directly from the heart of a dying star. Those flames could tear through earth in seconds if not properly contained. Luckily for you, you mastered your powers from a very young age and also learnt a few illusions. The flames surrounding the cell door were no hotter than those of a birthday candle. If he wanted to, he really could.

"Can you untie me then or am I expected to stay here unable to use my hands?" He asked again.

Without replying, you untied his hands.

"So what are you? Some sort of flame thrower?" He mocked.

"I'm agent y/l/n." You said simply before turning around and leaving for the door, extinguishing the flames as you walked through. When you left, the doors locked behind you.

"I'll bring you something to eat later, for now, get acquainted with your new home." You called without turning around.

"Perhaps also a book?" He added.

"Perhaps also a book" you muttered smiling to yourself.

As the day went on, you couldn't help but think about Loki. He was technically a prisoner but damn was he sexy. His attire screamed royalty. His demeanour demanded respect despite the fact that you had the upper hand. Considering he was being held in a cell in Asgard prior to this, he looked well groomed. Immaculate. There was no denying that Loki was a god.
J.A.R.V.I.S alerted you that Loki had requested you, something you didn't even know he could do. You thought you were supposed to be guarding not babysitting. You headed towards the cell thinking that something had happened to Loki. When you arrived, he was standing at the door of the cell.

"What do you want?" You asked rolling your eyes.

Looking you up and down, Loki have you a devilish grin before answering.

"I want release." He said coquettishly.

"I can't do that." You replied, crossing your arms.

"Don't think so dirty." He smiled, looking at you again before turning around abruptly. "Have you brought a book?"

"No, I thought it was an emergency. I didn't have time to get a book." You replied honestly.

"Don't make that mistake a second time y/l/n." He warned, making you look around confused at the audacity of this man.

"Maybe I'll just never return."

"Oh, you will."

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