His muse

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The first time you met him you were sitting outside a small café in Paris with a coffee and a pastry placed neatly in front of you as you wet your finger, turning the page of your book. Unaware to you, someone was watching. As soon as Loki spotted you, he paused his movements. Just when he thought he was all out of art, all out of inspiration, the universe goes and positions you in front of him. He watched as you turned your page, focused solely on your book as opposed to the bustling street life around you. He wanted to photograph you but he didn't want to startle you, your positioning was too perfect. The quiet sound of a small camera clicking was enough to make you change positions and he couldn't risk that. Picking up the camera he had strung across his neck, he took a few pictures of you trying his hardest to remain silent and unseen. When you did finally put your book down to sip your coffee, Loki stopped photographing before making his way towards you.


Looking up, you were met by a handsome man who had a small smile as he looked down at you fondly. You returned his smile, unsure what to say next.

"Puis-je m'asseoir." He added, gesturing to the empty seat in front of you.

"I'm sorry, I don't speak French." You giggled nervously.

"Oh I just assumed." The man answered with a light chuckle of his own "I asked if you'd mind if I sat down." He explained

"Be my guest." You offered, gesturing to the seat.

"Thank you." He grinned, sitting down.

You didn't know what to do, where to look or what to say. You had watched enough films to know that speaking to strangers abroad when you're alone wasn't the best thing to do but this man just looked so kind. Glancing up at him, you almost gasped as your eyes met. Was he already looking at you? You smiled awkwardly, looking back down at your plate before he broke the silence.

"I wouldn't forgive myself if I didn't say but you are absolutely bewitching, truly beautiful." He praised, still looking at you. You looked up at him, biting your lip as you grew flustered under his intense gaze.

"T-thank you." You answered, clearing your throat as you spoke and straightened your posture.

"No honestly, you are—are" he paused as if searching his mind for the right word "magnificent." He murmured, eyes following your movements as you picked your coffee up before bringing it to your lips.

"You're too nice." You smiled widely, unable to contain your glee at his compliments.

"I hope you don't mind but I captured a few pictures of you before I came here, would you mind if I used them for one of my future projects, I'm an artist you see." He explained, showing you his camera. "I'd be happy to show you the images first." He offered.

"Sure." You agreed, leaning into him as he began flicking through his pictures. As he did, he explained little details of the pictures including some of your little actions. You looked from the camera to his face which had lit up as he continued to speak. Strangely, you felt seen, maybe for the first time ever.

"I'm Loki by the way." He then said, holding his hand out.

"Y/n." You answered, shaking it.

"Y/n, how fitting for such an alluring woman." He purred, bringing your hand to his lips. "I'm actually here on business. I've got an art exhibition over at the lounge on main, feel free to swing by and tell the security you're with me. I'll let them know you're coming so they expect you."

"I look forward to it." You grinned. You did want to see some art before you left tomorrow but the tickets for all the galleries you could afford were sold out. You didn't even bother looking for tickets for the lounge because they were always so expensive or always sold out and yet here fate was.

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