Ill stay

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"Okay, okay, I'm coming now, alright, bye" you sighed as you hung up the phone, daring a glance into the restaurant at your date, awkwardly twiddling his thumbs as he waited for you to come back inside. Another sigh escaped you as you caught a glimpse of yourself in the reflection. Tired eyes were hidden behind layers of mascara and eyeshadow. Your frown masked by the rouge tint you had haplessly rubbed onto your lips. Your eyes wandered down to your dress. You looked good overall, there was no denying that. You ran your hands down your sides, taking a deep breath before plastering on a smile and heading back inside.

"Y/n, is everything alright?" He asked, trying to hide his elation at the fact you had returned until he saw you reaching for the jacket you had draped behind your chair when you first arrived.

"I'm so sorry but I've got to go, it's an emergency" you apologised earnestly "it's Sienna, she's not feeling well and she's asking for me" you explained, putting your jacket on.

"Isn't she with her dad?"

"Yes" you nodded "but—"

"So she's fine, have another glass of wine" he insisted, gesturing to the chair you just tucked in.

"I can't, I—" you tried to excuse "I'll call you okay" you rushed out, turning around before heading out of the restaurant and hailing a taxi.

"She's sleeping now" Loki spoke, opening the door as you stepped inside.

"So why did you call me?" You huffed as you entered, Loki closing the door behind you as you breathed in through your nose smelling that familiar aftershave.

"I was unsure if she'd settle without your presence. Besides, I didn't know it'd take you so long to arrive" Loki added almost bitterly as he took you in.

"I was on the other side of the city" you shrugged "I was on a date" you admitted, surprising even yourself at the confession.

"Oh, I see" Loki spoke, almost dejectedly as he looked away from you. "How was it?" He decided to ask, looking back up at you.

"Short" you stated, ignoring the pang of what could only be stupidly described as guilt that evaded you.

"My apologies" Loki replied, glancing away before his eyes met yours again. "You look" he paused "good"

"Thank y—" you began.

"You always look good" he seemingly huffed to himself at the thoughtless compliment. "You look beautiful y/n" he interrupted.

"Thank you" you smiled chastely as a conspicuous pause filled the space between you both. Doting eyes boared into yours as you swallowed thickly, unable to tear your gaze away from Loki's. His stare was primal, lustful, almost charged as you took a sharp breath, trying to forget the fact that you hadn't been laid in almost a year and that Loki had that familiar aftershave on.

"Don't look at me like that" you finally broke the silence.

"Like what?" He almost smirked.

"Loki you love me" you frowned.

"Y/n" Loki halted "I adore you" he expressed.

"Stop" you shook your head, willing the tears that were now brimming in your eyes to stop. You didn't know whether they were from your lack of blinking after staring at him or the emotions coursing through you.

"I'm truly enamored" he continued to your chagrin as he stepped towards you "you bewitch me. You—"

"Stop!" You raised your voice.

"I can't let you go y/n, why can't I quit you?"

"You already have Loki, you let me go the moment you—"

"Tell me you don't love me" he dared.

"Loki I—" you stopped, your lip beginning to quiver as a tear escaped you.

"Tell me you don't love me" he murmured, kissing the tear away from your cheek "and I'll stop."

Your knees felt weak beneath you as his lips met the bare skin of your neck as he pushed your jacket off of your shoulders. Tender kisses met behind your ear as you held your breath, eyes falling closed. "Tell me you don't love me anymore y/n" he whispered, kissing your earlobe "please" he almost begged, unable to restrain himself, the only thing able to stop him being your words.

"I-I" you stuttered, melting against Loki as his lips met yours.

You were quick to deepen the kiss, your tongue moving against his as his arms wrapped around you. He felt perfect against you. You barely broke for breath, kissing him passionately as you pushed him back against the couch, Loki pulling you down with him. You straddled him, hips moving to and fro above him as your body ached for more. You could feel him hardening beneath you as you practically ripped his shirt off of him, your lips meeting the warmth of his skin. You ran your hands across his torso, your nails lightly scratching him as you kissed his neck, moving lower. You moved down the couch, almost hanging off of it as your fingers undone his belt.

"Slow down" Loki jested as you kissed across his lower abdomen, pulling his boxers down.

"Shut up" you snapped, freeing his erection as Loki's eyes fell closed.

"Fuckk" he exhaled, relaxing as you kissed the tip before taking it into your mouth. Your hand moved across his length in light strokes as you flicked your tongue around the head of his cock, eliciting a quiet moan from him. His hand found the back of your head, guiding your movements gently as he hit the back of your throat. You continued, your head moving up and down before Loki tried to push you away. He was close.

Wordlessly, you straddled him again, lifting your dress as Loki pushed your panties to the side, helping you lower yourself against him.

"Lokiii" you mewled as he filled you to the hilt, his cock throbbing against your walls.

"Just like that" Loki spoke through gritted teeth, thrusting up inside of you as you bounced above him.

"Fuckk" you moaned, trying to stay quiet as he fucked you.

"Taking me so well" he praised, looking up at you through hooded eyes "good girl, that's my good fucking girl."

"Ughh, I—I'm soo—" you moaned.

"I know, I know" Loki rasped, jaw clenched as he continued thrusting.

Your eyes met. You had to look away.

"I'm gonna cum" you cried, eyes closed tightly as your breaths grew heavier.

"Fuck!" Loki hollered, his orgasm hitting him as he came inside of you, his seed oozing out as your walls tightened around him.

As you floated down from your high, you eventually looked down at Loki.

"I don't, Loki" you shook your head, Loki's eyes pleading for you not to continue. "I don't love you, not now, not anymore." You sniffled, unsure whether or not you believed yourself.

"You'll stay? Tonight?" Loki asked, voice quiet.

"Yeah" you nodded "I'll stay."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25 ⏰

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