Happy new year!

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Walking into the bar, the felling was electric. Bright lights surrounded you, alternating colours flashed around you as you stepped further inside. The sound of strangers making idle conversation was drowned out by the bass of the music coming from the speakers splayed around the room. Seeing the empty barstool, you began stepping towards it in the hopes that you'd possibly be able to see out the year with a drink in hand.

"Can I get you a drink?"

Barely sat down yet, the question caught you by surprise. As if magic, a tall handsome man appeared next to you. Quickly glancing next to him, you saw that he was also alone, probably wanting to end the year with a drink as well.

"Go on then" you replied with a smile.

"What are you drinking?" He questioned, sitting on the stool next to you.

"Pornstar martini please" you replied, turning yourself slightly towards him.

"Can I have a pornstar martini please and a whisky, on the rocks" he requested, pulling out a bank card and handing it to the bartender who replied with a curt nod before preparing the drinks.

As he spoke, you were able to properly look at him. What was meant to be a quick dekko of the well spoken man turned into a ogle as you really took him in. Ebony locks fell just past his shoulders, slicked neatly back. If his choice of outfit was anything to go by, this man was a man of wealth. His black Gucci suit was accompanied by black leather shoes. His emerald blue eyes were piercing and they were looking at—

"Seen something you like?" He teased, noticing your gawking.

"I'm sorry" you laughed nervously, looking away from him.

"Don't be. It gives me a reason to look at you." He chuckled "perhaps we should at least pretend to speak so that the gazing at one another looks with reason" he grinned, handing you the cocktail.

"Thank you."

"Please, the pleasure is all mine." He insisted, taking a sip of his drink, still looking at you from over the glass.

"So, what brings you here?" You asked, leaning slightly into him as the music got louder.

"Celebrating the end of the year, welcoming a new one." He answered "what about you?"

"The same" you answered honestly.

"Well, at least we have each other to celebrate with." He spoke in your ear.

As the night went further on, you continued talking to the man as he brought more drinks. You eventually moved closer and closer together the louder the music got.

"I didn't even catch your name." You laughed, shouting in his ear as you sat at the edge of your barstool.

"I'm Loki, and you?" He prompted.


"What a beautiful name." He praised, lips brushing over your ear as he spoke.

"Why thank you" you replied coyly, almost loosing balance on the stool the further you leant into him. Noticing him slightly jump, you looked down to see that you had used your hand on his upper thigh to steady yourself. Looking back up, you saw that Loki looked at you before looking down at your hand that you were yet to move.

"Oh" you snorted "can't keep my balance."

"Use me as you please" he retorted, making your breath hitch knowing he probably didn't understand what his statement connoted.

"I-um-I'm going to quickly go to the toilet" you stuttered, trying to break free from the trance that was Loki's intense stare.

"Do you need any help? I mean, we wouldn't want you to lose your balance now would we." He suggested, still looking into your eyes. Instead of replying vocally, you simply nodded your head wanting him to follow you.

The two of you weaved through the crowd of people gearing up to soon begin the countdown into the new year. Sighting the toilets, you reached behind you, holding Loki's hand and pulling him along with you as carnal desire took over. Pushing past the people gathered outside, you felt yourself growing wetter in anticipation. This whole situation wasn't one you'd usually find yourself in so the sheer excitement of it was exhilarating, arousing. Pushing open one of the stalls, you pulled Loki inside before locking the door. Spinning around, you were pushed against the door as Loki kissed you. Your heart began beating faster when you opened your mouth, welcoming his tongue as it brushed past your teeth and swirled with yours. You felt Loki getting hard as he used his hands on your back to pull you closer towards him, so close that you could also feel his heart beating, thrumming with yours. Falling back against the door, you lifted one of your legs, pulling Loki towards you with one hand whilst the other ran through his hair.

"Are you sure?" He asked breathlessly, caressing your leg that he held at his waist.

"Yess" you urged, trying to roll your hips against his clothed hardened length.

Resuming the kiss, Loki lifted your other leg before you wrapped them both around his waist, gasping when he lifted you up. His lips moved to your neck as you turned your head to the side, granting him more access. Using the wall, along with one of his hands, Loki balanced you whilst he freed himself. Pulling your thong to the side, Loki began kissing your neck again as he thrusted into you causing you to dig your nails into the fabric covering his shoulders.

"Fuck yesss" you moaned as your head fell backwards against the door whilst Loki stifled his own moans in the crook of your neck. You felt every vain on Loki's cock sliding through your walls as he fucked you harshly against the door.

"You feel like heaven" he grunted before slamming back into you, teeth grazing your neck.

"YESSS" you screamed, feeling him delving deeper inside you. Soon after, you were both moaning and panting loudly as you felt your climax approaching. Both of your noises were drowned out by the sounds of the crowd counting down.

10, 9, 8

"Right thereeee" you screeched.


"I'm so close" you whimpered in ecstasy.


"Cum for me" Loki demanded.


"Ughhh" you howled in rapture feeling yourself spiralling into oblivion as your orgasm overtook you. The feeling of your walls gripping him prompted Loki's release causing him to spill inside you as your name fell from his lips.

"HAPPY NEW YEAR!" You heard everyone shouting outside. Catching your breaths, you both opened your eyes and looked at each other.

"Happy new year" you laughed, feeling him still twitching inside of you.

"Happy new year y/n" he replied before kissing you. The sound of fireworks and celebratory cheers could be heard outside whilst you both kissed one another, riding your highs.

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