You should be mine

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The door to the carriage swung open revealing the cheering crowd of Asgard as well as the familiar sight of the bifrost. You began to exit, the arm of one of your maids being replaced by Lokis as he offered it, as well as a small smile as you began to exit the carriage. You took it, looking over at Thor once your feet were placed firmly onto the ground only to find him entertaining the crowd by throwing his hammer in the air and catching it. He loved the attention, you shied away from it as did Loki.

"He can be quite brooding" Loki remarked, closing the door to the carriage behind you. "He's rather immature."

"That's no way to speak about the king." You replied, smiling at the maid who began fixing your tiara. "Your king."

"As well as being king, he's also my brother and I have plenty choice words about him." Loki grimaced as Thor stumbled, nearly hitting the ground when his hammer threatened to slip out of his grip.

"I don't doubt that." You answered with a small smile before making your way towards your husband who had finally stopped tossing his hammer around. Once you reached him, he took your hand in his, giving it a small squeeze before you both addressed the crowd. Thor was going on a visit to some of the other realms in the hopes of uniting them and being the queen of Asgard, all royal responsibilities fell to you now. As Thor continued to speak, Loki made his way towards the other side of you, offering reassurance as Thor promised Asgard was in good hands. You smiled sweetly as he spoke, the crowd loving their rulers as if you three were above the all mighty. If only they knew the chaos, the lies, the deceit that lurked behind the palace doors, they'd not be as cheerful, trusting.

"And so I leave Asgard with the knowledge that my Queen consort as well as my brother the prince will take good care of it." Thor declared before finishing his speech.

"You told me you wouldn't be going to Midgard." You spoke in his ear, spotting one of his warrior friends holding the roster which clearly had Midgard on it.

"It's only a short visit." He replied, keeping a smile on his face for anyone who could be watching your conversation.

"We don't meddle with midgardian affairs unless of course it's her you're going to see." You spat, Loki glancing in your direction as he heard the argument.

"I'm allowing you to take the reins here y/n, and you have Loki to help you with any royal duties you are unfamiliar with. See this time as a good thing." Thor smiled brightly before pressing his lips to yours, the crowd erupting with more hearty cheers before Thor left your side, making his way towards the bifrost.

"So I was thinking that we'd build a statue in the middle of the square perhaps with a wishing well for the children to—are you even listening?" Loki demanded, looking at you as you sat on the throne, admiring your nails.

"Oh brother mine, how you drone on." You sighed, looking towards him.

"I am not your brother." He affirmed.

"In law" you corrected, rolling your eyes.

"I'd not use the term brother of any sort to describe our relationship considering the fact that we—well, let's just say found ourselves engaging in rather amorous team bonding activities upon your first arrival at the palace." He smirked as you blanched. "And a few times after you had settled in at the palace and that one time in the gardens and how could I forget that time in the—"

"Shhh, shh, sh." You hushed, jumping from your throne and striding towards Loki before slamming your hand over his mouth.

"Oh come on, I know you think of me when you're with him" he spoke in a low tone, pushing your hand away from his face causing you to take a step backwards "I bet you think of me when you're alone too; legs splayed open as you touch yourself. Just, thinking, about, me." He continued to speak, stepping closer towards you as his eyes dipped from yours down to your lips. "I'd go as far as to say you want me now, your body craves my touch. Doesn't it." He finished, eyes meeting yours again. You swallowed thickly before you answered.

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