Curse the sun ☀️

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"And I am Iron Man" Tony spat glaring at Thanos as he lifted his hand to reveal the gauntlet.

"NOOOO!" Thor shouted rushing to Tony and stopping him from clicking his fingers.

The commotion caused you to pause your fighting and turn towards the pair. Thanos noticed as well and began stepping towards them.

"Not on my watch" you muttered to yourself summoning up all the energy you had left. You hadn't slept properly since the destruction of Asgard and the- the death of L-Loki. It was too much. Too painful. This past five years had been excruciatingly torturous. People say times a healer but you knew that was fiction. Time wasn't a healer, it was a reminder. Every morning the sun would shine through your blinds and you'd curse it for rising again. Everyday was a reminder that you were pretty much alone. Loki was gone. Asgard was gone. You had one thing left, one person worth fighting for and you were not going to let Thanos take him away as well.

"THANOS" you bellowed, venom dripping from each syllable. His attention snapped from the arguing Thor and Tony to you who was now levitating, crimson coating your eyes.

"You took everything from me" you snarled raising your hand and sending an energy orb flying towards him and hitting him causing him to fall to his knees before you.

"I d-don't even know w-ho you are" he stuttered clearly in pain as he tried to keep a stern expression.

"You will" you retorted lowering yourself to the ground as a devilish grin spread over your face.

Walking towards Thanos, you watched as he tried to get back to his feet. You felt fury wash over you. This was new. This was nice. The only thing you had felt these past five years was loss, pain, agony and melancholy. Now you felt enraged, powerful, omnipotent. This was your chance. Finally face to face with the mad Titan. Nothing was going to stop you.

"Thor STOP!" You heard Tony shout. Looking behind Thanos, you saw Thor wearing the gauntlet. Ignoring Thanos, you rushed over to Thor. You couldn't loose him too. He couldn't do this.

"Thor, Thor stop please" you pleaded searching his eyes.

"For Asgard" he smiled before clicking his fingers.

"NOOOO" you cried falling at his feet as he dropped to the floor.

One by one, Thanos's army began disintegrating. The sound of cheers erupted from the crowd but your attention was trained on Thor who's arm was burned as he winced on the ground.

"Did we do it?" He whispered with a small smile.

"We did it Thor you did it" you said frantically trying to remove the gauntlet.

"Hello father" Gamora spat approaching Thanos who hadn't disintegrated with Nebula at her side.

"Daughter" He replied before being silenced by the sisters who ended him.

As Thor staggered to his feet, it was evident that there was no saving his arm but that was alright, he was ok.

"Hey, I know a gal" Bucky remarked walking towards you both trying to lighten the mood.

"What did you mean, for Asgard?" You asked remembering what Thor said before that agonising snap as you wrapped your arms around him to help him stand steady as he took small slow steps forwards.

"H-heimdall, open the bifrost" he shouted weakly looking up to the sky causing you to furrow your brows. Had the snap turned Thor loopy.

"Thor there isn't—" you were cut off by the blinding light of the bifrost encasing you both.

Arriving at the bridge, you turned to Thor who wore a proud expression.

"T-Thor" you spoke timidly thinking you were dreaming.

"I honestly didn't think it would work" he replied happily as he looked around, eyes settling just past you.

"I told you the sun would shine on us again" you heard a familiar voice whisper behind you.

"I can't do this, not again. I can't do this again. I can't wake up and this all be a dream. Thor, shake me awake or do something please JUST DO SOMETHING" you yelled frantically not daring to turn around as Thor's smile grew.

"Y/N, my inamorata" Loki said stepping in front of you and caressing your cheeks as he looked lovingly into your eyes. This wasn't a dream. In your dreams you could never feel his touch. Your heart wouldn't race at the sight of him. This was real.


"I'm here" he smiled before wrapping his arms around you and capturing your lips in a kiss.

"Brother" Thor coughed awkwardly as you and Loki stood caressing each other and kissing your hellos and I love yous.

Pulling away, Loki gave you a smile and an eye roll before turning to Thor.

"I suppose you are expecting a thank you" Loki said looking at Thor.

"Loki- I" Thor began before being cut off by Loki encasing him in a soul crushing hug, one they hadn't shared since childhood.

"Thank you Thor, King of Asgard, brother" Loki whispered in his ear.

You observed the exchange with a wide grin. You'd never curse the sun for rising again.

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