The Fall of S.H.I.E.L.D

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In This Shirt - The Irrepressibles

You watch from a safe distance as the ships fire on one another, bits of debris falling to the water below. Constantly adjusting your lense to capture every detail you come across, you notice two figures hurtling towards the water. You're sure they're both masculine silhouettes, but you zoom in as much as possible to be sure. Just as you're about to take the picture, something in the frame catches the light, blinding you slightly. By the time you regain your composure, the figures have disappeared, presumably into the water below.

1 hour later

If I Had A Heart - Fever Ray

You're sitting on a bench a ways away from the crash site, looking through the photos you managed to take. All are fine, some are even decent but the only one you managed to take of the two figures has been ruined by whatever it was that blinded you in the first place. The image is basically just a flash of white with some clouds.
As you get up to leave, you hear a commotion in a side ally. Never being one to stray from curiosity, you move closer to see what you now know is a man being mugged for his clothes.
Acting on your first impulse, you switch on the flash and begin taking pictures.

"Hey buddy!"

The taller, darker figure turns sharply to face you

"Yeah you! I've now got photographic evidence of this so if I were you I'd walk away."

He begins purposefully marching towards you, slowing down for nothing. As he nears you, he holds his hands up ready to catch your throat in one and the camera in the other. You begin slowly walking backwards but you know there's no time to run.

"Okay woah I can delete them, no harm no foul-"

Before you can continue, he pins you up against the ally wall and rips the camera from you and crushes it with his hand that you only now notice is seemingly metal. You manage to croak out a single word.


In that moment, you were sure that was it. Death becomes y/n. You look deep into his eyes, paying no to attention to his other features.
You say nothing else but just stare at him, trying to match his intensity.
He blinks first however, as though he remembered something more important than killing you. He releases his grip from your neck, but it was still enough to render you unconscious. You topple to the ground next to your shattered camera.
When you wake up, both the victim and the intense weirdo are nowhere to be seen.
Shaken and your throat on fire, you pull yourself to your feet and realise an hour has gone by since your encounter. Maybe, if you head home now, you can still fit in 45 minutes of staring into space and contemplating what the fuck just happened, before law and order.

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