Fresh Air

40 3 0

Naked - James Arthur

As soon as you're out onto the street, Bucky stops in front of you and clasps the side of your face, checking you over.

"You okay? Did they touch you?"

You hold his wrists and try interject to stop him from spiralling but it's no use.

"I shouldn't have fallen asleep, I'm so sorry. I'm sorr-"


He stops talking and just looks at the ground, his hands still on the side of your face. You remove your grip from his wrists and place them on his jaw, raising his head to look at you.

"Look at me... I'm fine."

You kiss his forehead quickly before he pulls back again.

"I shouldn't have hit them that hard. I wanted to hit them harder but-"

You dust off his shoulders and straighten his tie again.

"You barely touched them. Besides, they deserved it. Worst that'll happen is they wake up spooning each other on a train, with a headache."

He gives a sigh before looking at you and smiling sadly. You smile more fully at him and use his tie to pull him down for a kiss, after which you whisper in his ear.

"Now take me home, Barnes."

Cheekily biting your lip, you keep hold of his tie and walk backwards, guiding him in the direction of your brother's building.

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