
93 1 0

Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran

He wraps his arms around you, as you wrap yours around his neck. You can hear his breathing, but it doesn't bother you. Neither does the feeling of being held by him. You don't feel trapped, or restricted. You feel safe.

You both break slowly out of it. He brings one hand up to cup your face and strokes your cheek with his thumb as you both pull away. You stand for a second, forehead to forehead, catching your breath. You both lean in for one last prolonged, tender peck. Standing beneath the stars in each other's arms, no words are needed. It doesn't stop you though.


You both open your eyes as you chuckle. You're interrupted from continuing however, by Sam bursting through the glass doors. You turn away briskly to hide your smudged lipstick. It's hopeless though, as Bucky definitely has traces of it on his lips.

"Hey, they're about ready to pack up and they want us out for final thank yous..."

Both of you stand looking opposite ways, but with an arm across each other's stomachs, the other wiping your lips.

"Am I... interrupting something??"

The look on his face shows, he knows he is.

"Uh, no! I'll be inside in a sec!"

Sam tried to hide his grin as he slowly walks back, closing the door behind him.

"I gotta..-"

"It's fine, you go. I'll be in, in a minute."

You smile at one another as he walks backwards. Your hands savour every last second together, down to the last fingertip. You turn around, ready to walk back to the railing. Barely a second passed however when you feel him grab your hand again and spin you in. When your bodies are pressed together, he lifts you up and kisses you one last time.
Placing you slowly on the ground, he jumps back to the door, as if nothing happened. Wiping your lips one last time, you try to regain your composure from the butterflies, heart flutters and slight dizziness. You take a deep breath and watch him walk back into the crowd. Finally, you're able to look back out across the city. You're still grinning when you hear the door open behind you once again.

"I'll be in in a sec, you don't need to-"

You stop talking as soon as you turn around to see it's not Bucky.

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