
45 2 0

Toxic - 2WEI

*Bucky's POV*

I run out of the house, frantically calling her as I do. It takes about 5 rings for her to pick up and I pace back and forth through them all.

"Buck, is everything oka-"

"I don't have time to explain, just get out of the house."

"What are you talking about, I just got home?"

"Don't take anything with you, and get rid of your phone."

"You're breaking up, where are you? I- Hang on."

In the background, I hear a gentle knock on the door.

"Don't answer it!"

I'm powerless as she doesn't reply. I put the phone on speaker and turn up the volume to get a better idea of what's happening. I hear her open the front door and then a loud crash as multiple things happen; the door slamming all the way open, what I assume is her falling to the ground, and the phone flying out of her hand. The smack followed by the line going dead kicks me into action. Holding out hope that she can make it out of there, I go back inside to arm myself as best as possible. Barely saying two words to Sam, I grab my gear and take the bike that's parked in the garage.

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