Rescue Mission

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MONTERO (Call Me By Your Name) - Lil Nas X

"On my mark..."

Dozens of men stand ready behind their individual hiding spots as a man in a cheap, grey suit with an FBI badge opens the door and leans on it to talk to someone inside before exiting. Bucky seizes the opportunity.


Stealthily, he approaches the man. With one swift blow from the hilt of his gun, the man topples to the floor and Bucky catches the door with his heel before pointing the barrel at the man inside. Quickly, he's joined by a stream of armed men who cuff both suited men as Bucky moves down the dark corridor. Soon, Sam catches up with Bucky.

"We don't know the layout of this place so I'll try and find the security room. It should have cameras and maps."

"Okay, I'll see if I can find y/n."

Before he can get too far down the right corridor, Sam calls after him.

"Bucky, if you find Sharon-"

"I know... Cuffs, not bullets."

Not convinced by his response, Sam reluctantly leaves him to it as he directs some men straight on and then carries on in the opposite direction as Bucky.

Checking each turning carefully, Bucky makes his way through the winding corridors, trying to follow sounds of voices and signs of light. When he finally comes across some men in lab coats, it doesn't take much to incapacitate them. Obviously, they weren't meant for defence.

*Through the earpiece*
"Okay, I found the security room. I'm trying to find you now. Stay put."

Monster - Kanye West

After a couple of seconds, armed men appear from a turning up ahead. They take a second to look Bucky up and down before recognising him. Instantly, one of them presses a switch on the wall, causing the lights to turn red and an alarm to sound. Wishing he hadn't hesitated, Bucky fires two clean shots causing the men to drop. This, however, alerts more guards from round the same corner. Knowing he can't take them all at once, Bucky ducks behind a large doorframe as they begin to fire.

"Yeah, staying put might not be an option."

"Okay, they disabled the cameras when the alarm started but it looks like they have some old blueprints here. Can you give any description of what's around you?"

Whipping his head in every direction, Bucky finally sees the sign above the door he's next to labelled 'toxicology'.

"Uh, there's a toxicology lab?"

"Not exactly specified in the plan of the building Buck. What else?"

Losing his patience, Bucky tries to look at his surroundings in a more calm manner, still trying to ignore the fact that he's being shot at mercilessly.

"Dead ahead, West Stairwell. I'm still on the ground floor."

"Okay, I got you. From what I can remember of the layout of Y/n's room on the call, there's at least one room she could be in on each floor. You wanna start at the top or bottom?"

"That's gonna take too long, they'll have already started moving her."

"I'll send my guys to cover you. Start at the top and they'll cover the other three floors."

Before Bucky can offer up another idea, he hears the slight scratch as Sam changes frequencies.

"No, that's great. I'll just sit here, perfectly comfortable."

Lions Inside - Valley of Wolves

After not too long, Bucky is joined by men dressed in mostly black (including Torez) who begin shooting at the guards.

"Go Barnes, we've got you covered."

Without hesitation, Bucky runs straight forward and enters the stairwell, skipping steps as he speeds towards the top floor. He enters timidly, however he's met with an abandoned, dark maze of corridors. There are no signs of life. No Sharon, no you. Quickly, Bucky, switches his earpiece to the group frequency.

"I'm pretty sure the top floor is clear, nobody's up here."

"Does anyone have a positive visual on Sharon or y/n?"

"We're doing a sweep on the ground floor. I've split people to do the same for the basement and first floor."

"I'll get started on the first floor."

"I've calibrated red wing with the floor plans for the whole building, he's headed to the basement. I'll join you on the ground floor."

Everyone quickly gets to work. It's barely 5 minutes before everyone's engaged in a fight. After a full sweep of the first floor, Bucky's certain you're not their either.

"Still nothing. Sam, give me some good news."

Random agent
"Sir, I have a visual on both Sharon and the girl. Basement level."

Bucky doesn't hesitate before heading for the stairwell once again and dropping right through the middle of the banisters, skipping all of the steps entirely.

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