1st Step Towards Redemption

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Most of what you wrote in the article was about what you saw on his journey to redemption. The change from killer to hero. Originally, when you started writing it, it was meant to be praising him. But J always had a way of bending truths to fit his viewpoint. The finished piece that got published posed Bucky as a remorseful murderer. Nothing about how it wasn't his fault. Anyone reading it would think that he just suddenly had a change of heart and wanted to be a free citizen, despite the things he had done. There are other sources that share stories closer to the truth, but the public will often believe whatever they hear in the media. Hell, most of what you researched about him in public records is more accurate than what J twisted your piece into.

Stripper - Soho Dolls

As you think this, you're on your way to work barely an hour after Bucky came to see you. When you pull up to the building, you pay the driver and storm in. You basically threw on the first clothes you saw so you're attire is certainly different to everyone else's. Almost running now, you ignore everyone's stares as you head towards John's office. Without even knocking, you swing open the door and throw the paper down on his desk. You don't even break eye contact to acknowledge the few people scuttling out of the room.

"Y/n! This is supposed to be your day off, can't you see I was in a meeting?"

"We agreed my name would be kept out of it."

He leans forward slightly as though he's about to start a lecture.

"This could have been huge for your career and I didn't think you'd want to miss out o-"

"Well you were wrong. I thought you were waiting for next weeks issue to publish?"

He leans back again, realising that you're not just upset or angry. You're fucking furious.

"This is my paper. I'm editor in chief. I can do whatever the hell I want little missy, I don't need your permission."

You shake your head as lick your lips and laugh.

"Fine. You can live out your god complex in this building. You can be the biggest asshole on the block. Hell, you can be the most cynical, uncaring, manipulative bastard in journalism for all I care! But I'm done being a part of your gossip factory. I quit."

As you go to leave, you see your colleges scattered around the office, watching. You don't even notice J getting up to go after you until you feel his grip on your shoulder.

"Hang on a min-"

You grab his hand and twist it off of your shoulder. You then push his fingers back towards his arm, causing him to kneel slightly. For good measure, you land a swift punch to his nose.

"You bitch! You broke my nose!!"

You bend down slightly so that he looks you in the eye.

"If you ever put hands on me again, I will press charges for assault and have HR open a case against you. I wonder how many people I could get to testify against you?"

You stroll out calmly, leaving him with a bloody nose in the middle of his office. Everyone who was watching through the glass windows are now laughing and gasping in disbelief. Not wanting to cause more of a scene, you pay no attention and walk straight to the elevator and smile slightly as the doors close in front of you. Once you know nobody can see you, nothing stops you from cradling your knuckles and letting out the pain from punching J.

"Mother fu- haaaa.... why does nobody tell you punching someone hurst so god damn much!!"

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