Test Run

40 1 0

Main Attraction- Jeremy Renner

The next day, after Bucky explained more about the facility, he introduced you to Fury's team.
The facility operates with the government's knowledge and consent, but they don't concern themselves with what happens on the inside. Each floor is dedicated to something; they have a medical floor, several laboratories, surveillance, training rooms, tech development etc. basically anything and everything you could think of.

Doctor McGuigan
"Okay y/n, now try your best to replicate what you did yesterday."

You're hooked up to various machines as you stand in a glass room. You're the only one inside but you can clearly see Bucky, Sam, the doctor and who you've now been introduced to as Agent Hill.
With a small nod from Bucky, you concentrate on summoning the hot bubbling sensation from your core. It doesn't take much before your skin begins to gleam the familiar orange. You close your eyes, picturing it spreading to every inch of your body. When you open your eyes again, your iris' have changed from their natural colour to that of a fresh ember.

Doctor McGuigan
"Okay now I want you to try and hit the target."

Looking down at your hand, you try to focus as much heat as you can on the centre of your palm. After a few seconds, nothing changes. No matter how hard you try to shift the spread of the heat, it continues to radiate the same amount from all over your body.

Doctor McGuigan
"Take your time."

"I'm trying."

Your tone is short and annoyed, frustrated at your lack of control. You continue to focus on the same spot, still with no luck whatsoever.

"This isn't working."

"Just give her a minute."

"She may not have a minute, remember?"

You watch them bicker behind the glass, none of them paying attention to you any longer apart from the doctor.

"What are you talking about?"

They continue to ignore you, wrapped up in their own conversation.

"We won't get anywhere if we rush her."

"We need to motivate her. She was angry the first time she did it, we need to make her angry."

"I'm not putting her in that kind of situation again."

"She said angry, that doesn't mean we have to kidnap her Buck."

"You guys know I can hear you right? I'm literally right here."

"Whatever we're doing, we need to figure it out quick, Fury can't hold Ross back for long."

Bucky gives Hill a stern look of warning, obvious that he didn't want you to hear that. But you did hear it, causing you to panic slightly. Who needs holding back? And from what?

"Look, Bucky, maybe we should put her in a training sim. See how she handles it."

"I said no Sam."

"For god sakes, you won't at least consider it? She can clearly handle herself, I don't think your alpha male act is needed?"

"What alpha male act?"

When the volume begins to build as they all talk over one another, you can see the boredom on the doctors face. There's no way you'd be able to get a word in edge ways. Anger begins to bubble from your chest as the three of them talk about you without care of your opinions. Before you can even attempt to calm, a single wave of radiating heat leaves your body, straight towards the glass in front. As your hair blows back from the force, the glass between you shatters and the 4 people duck out of the way. As they return to eye level, they watch as the emitting light retracts back to your core and your eyes return to normal.

"Now will someone please tell me what the hell you're talking about."

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