My Favourite Part

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Human - dodie

Finally, it's your due date. 9 and a half months pregnant. 7 and a half months since you found out. The nursery is finished, you have everything you need for mother and baby, and yet there are no signs of this little bugger emerging any time soon.

You're sitting on the couch with a blanket whilst reading, when Bucky comes round the corner with two steaming mugs.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."

Blowing over the surface of the liquid, you curl your sweater sleeves round the mug before holding it close to your chest and continuing to read. You sit forward slightly so that Bucky can sit down and put his arm round you. He's barely touching the couch however, when the doorbell rings. Placing his mug on the coffee table, Bucky goes straight to the front door. You're not paying much attention as he has a small interaction with whoever's at the door and then brings in a large box, setting it down on the table.
You place your book and tea on the small table to your right before sitting forward as much as you can to look at the box.

"What's this?"

"No idea, it's addressed to the both of us."

You both shrug at one another before Bucky rips open the box. Neatly placed under the cardboard is a white envelope which Bucky passes to you before sifting through the various other objects. Written neatly across the front of the envelope, you recognise the handwriting instantly.

'To Y/n and Bucky'

"This is my mum's handwriting."

Bucky then leans back to read the letter with you as you slice open the envelope.

"Dear y/n and Bucky,
Seeing as we can't be there in person to give you this, we're sending all our love in this 'baby care-package'! You'll recognise everything inside (except one little surprise) so I hope the box makes it to you in one piece. We can't wait to see you and we miss you both so much!
All our love,
Mum, Dad, Jaq, Ben, Elliot, Charlie, Max, Grayson and Taron."

Carefully folding the letter back up, you place it next to the box and peer over the edge to see a mountain of your old baby things. Covering the top is the first baby blanket you were ever given on the day of your birth.

7 Years - Luke's Graham

"Oh my god."

"Is this all yours?"

"All of my old baby stuff, yeah!"

Pulling out the blanket, you feel something weighted that it's been wrapped around. Ignoring it for a moment, you both delve into the pile of pastel fabrics. Bit by bit, you pull out stuffed toys, a night light, story books, even a few knitted baby clothes. It's not until you get to the very bottom that there are two more smaller packages, one of them with a separate note. You open the one without first, instantly knowing what it is from the familiar size and weight.

"I can't believe they mailed this!"

Whipping off the brown paper packaging, you handle the green fabric binding with expert level care.

"What is it?"

"My favourite book when I was a kid. It's the copy I've had since before I can remember."

Peeking over your shoulder, Bucky reads the worn golden text on the front cover.

"Is that a first edition Peter and Wendy??"

"Hodder and Stoughton, 1911. This things even older than you."

"That's something I don't hear often."

You carefully hand Bucky the book to look at more closely before reaching to the bottom of the box to grab the very last item. On top of the smaller cardboard box (roughly the size of a small shoe box) is a smaller envelope addressed to Bucky alone.

"It's for you."

Swapping objects, you give the book one more glance over before putting it on the table. You then bring your attention back to the blanket on your lap and start to unravel whatever is inside.

"Dear Bucky,
We couldn't find much in terms of your family heirlooms, but we called Rebecca hoping she could help. This is from us and her."

Looking over to him, you watch as he pulls out a cream stuffed rabbit, probably once white. It's missing one eye and has frayed stitching on one ear but otherwise is in perfect condition.

Bucky (still reading from the letter)
"Jamie found him in one of Rebecca's boxes in her attic, along with the photo."

Looking past the rabbit, Bucky tries to find a photo in the box but comes up short.

"I don't see a photo."

"I do."

Now looking at the front page of the pristine photo album that was once wrapped in your blanket, you're greeted with 3 photo slots, two of which are filled. The third is below the bottom two with a note reading 'for the new arrrival'. On the left, is a slightly aged yet full colour photo of you lying in a crib asleep, barely 6 months old. On the right, an old black and white photograph of a woman holding a baby. Dressed in a late 1910s dress, she lightly smiles as she cradles the baby in a christening gown.

"Is that you?"

"Yeah. It's me and my mom."

You hear the slight catch in his throat and instantly raise your hand to stroke his back. Looking at the photo more closely, you see the same rabbit he now holds in his hands, clutched between his tiny fingers.

"Wait, so that was your rabbit? How is it in such good condition??"

"I have no idea."

He sits there starstruck, just staring at the stuffed toy. You cross your hand to massage the shoulder furthest from you whilst placing your chin on the one closest.

"Does he have a name?"

Smiling with nostalgia, Bucky hands you the bunny to look at.

"I named him Dolph when I was older. After Rudolph Valentino. He was my favourite movie star when I was a kid."

"I'm gonna pretend like I know who that is."

*Bucky's POV*

Looking down at the letter, I see one last paragraph under words written in bold red ink.
Knowing only to read it in my head, I skim over the words.

How Long Will I Love You - Ellie Goulding

~Bucky Reading in His Head~
'The last thing in here is just as a precaution. There's no pressure, but just in case you had any ideas, we wanted you to have the right 'tools for the job'.

Squinting into the bottom of the box Dolph was in, I see a small leather pouch.

"Back in a sec."

I get up but y/n catches my hand before I can walk away.

"You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just gonna put the box in the recycling."

A lie.
Once I'm round the corner, I peek to make sure she can't see me. Pulling out the tiny satchel, I already know what's inside. I gently shake the ring into my palm to see the familiar floral patterns carved into the gold, and the marquise cut stone in the centre of my grandmothers wedding band. Looks like I'm returning the other one.

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