Morning Smiles

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Pack Up - Eliza Doolittle

When you wake up, you're alone in the bed. You sit up and scan the floor to check whether Bucky moved whilst you were asleep. Your attention is captured, however, by the two bassy laughs that trickle in from somewhere else in the flat. Knowing that it's Max and Bucky, you hop off of the bed, do a quick mirror check and then make your way to join them.

"No I'm not kidding! She genuinely used to sneak around and bin the coffee every time mum or dad bought some because she hated the smell!"

You walk in to see Max perched on the counter, savouring a bowl of cereal and Bucky, sitting in front of the table drinking a cup of coffee.

"I grew out of that. Now I would very much like a cup please and thank you."

You give Bucky a quick peck on the cheek and smooth out his hair as you walk past. He grabs your hand before it leaves his shoulder and keeps hold until your fingers can no longer reach one another.

"Sorry, did we wake you?"

You grab the coffee pot and pour a healthy cup before adding milk and sugar.

"Nope, just missing the blanket."

You look over your shoulder at him and smile, as does he.

"Ew, enough."

You giggle at him as he rolls his eyes and makes gagging faces. Once he's done with his little comedy skit, he checks his watch and begins leap off of the side.

"I need to get going for work. Can I interest you in a freshly cooked, 5 star breakfast before I go?"

He dramatically presents the box of cocoa pops in front of you.

"I think I'll take my chances with good'ol' buttered toast thanks."

Again, he rolls his eyes at you as he goes to grab his jacket that matches his suit, his bag and a few other bits strewn around the place.

"Suit yourself! Right, I'm off! Clear your dishes once you're done."

He almost gets all the way out of the door before popping his head back round for a final comment.

"Oh! And before I forget, no shagging in my flat! If you wanna be nasty, book a hotel."

You sigh and close your eyes out of embarrassment as the lift doors close.

"Sorry about him. He thinks he's a comedian."

When you open your eyes, you see that Bucky's started to get used to the humour as he chuckles to himself.
You lean on the island with your mug in your hands as you speak.

"So, what do you wanna do today?"

He looks up at you still smiling from Max's comment.

"Uh, well... you grew up here, why don't you show me what's changed in the past 70 years?"

You go over to join him at the table

"What happened to 'I've been here before'?"

He seems in higher spirits today as he maintains his smile as you talk.

"Well I'm guessing a lot has changed. I mean, I have no idea what that giant Ferris wheel is!"

You stand up again and plant a kiss on his lips before going to get changed.

"Okay then, exploring it is."

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