Over The Edge We Go

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Runaway - AURORA

Sitting in silence as the truck jolts around, you hear a commotion outside. The truck comes to a sudden stop and everyone inside tries to peer out of the only two windows to see what's going on. You stay seated, not wanting to draw anymore attention to yourself. Between the bustling heads and shoulders of the council members, you see flashes of a familiar sheen. A fast moving, sculpted arm flicking in and out of view.

You wait patiently for a short time, waiting for the doors to open. When they don't, and Karli jumps into the drivers seat, the put in your stomach digs deeper at the idea that he lost that fight. Karli could have killed him.

You're broken out of your spiral when the truck falls forwards, barely being held by metal scaffolding. Edging closer every second, you feel a slight resistance as something grabs on the back, keeping you all balanced. It's short lived however, as you watch Walker topple out of your view and the truck begins its final decent.

"Everyone stop moving! Try to shift your weight to the back!"

They do as you say, only focussed on surviving. You no longer care about being inconspicuous. But it's no use. As the truck begins to tilt towards a 90 degree angle, more of the ground comes into view from the small window dividing the cockpit and the back.

From the corner of your eye, you see the tip of Sam's wing. When he lifts his head above the bonnet, you spend merely a second on relief before shifting your vision to the ground below. You make direct eye contact with Bucky, who watches helplessly. He can see you fully now, and the change in expression shows you that. You expected that reaction to be happy, but instead you're met with a cold stare. Not angry exactly, but he's obviously not pleased to see you.

Sam manages to push the truck back into a stable position, and you're helped out. You act on your first instinct and make your way down to where Bucky is, unaware of the smoke that's surrounded them. When you finally get there, you enter the smoke slowly, not wanting to run into the wrong person.
But of course, you do.

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