Homeland Tour

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Scenes In An Italian Restaurant- Billy Joel (start from 2:48)

You and Bucky have been using the tube all day to get around London. For once, you're taking some pictures that he actually smiles in. He even stole your camera at one point and insisted on taking random pictures of you. Houses of Parliament, Big Ben, The Eye, The Gerkin, Camden Market, Buckingham Palace. Being the book person he is, he was most excited about 221B Baker Street.
You're walking around the peer on the opposite side to the Tower of London, eating lunch as you talk.

"I'm just saying, 'The Pickle' sounds better!"

"Perhaps, but you're forgetting one crucial thing! We speak English here, not American!"

He shakes his head as he bites down into his pastry.

"God, I've missed Greggs!"

"I don't get your fascination, it's just a bakery."

You stop in your tracks and let out a melodramatic gasp.

"Just... a bakery.... no that's it, we're done here. You're officially no longer part of my life."

Walking in the direction of where you just came from, you can't hold in the giggle anymore. He runs back and lifts you off the ground, turning you back to walk the right way. He places you down in front of him and you walk in time with each other, his arms still around your stomach.

"Oh please, you couldn't leave me alone even if you wanted to."

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