Forever Promises

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Dream - Priscilla Ahn

*6 months later*

"You ready?"

"Yeah. I'm ready."

Alice hands you the perfectly arranged bouquet of baby breath, daisies, and lavender, drawn delicately together with a simple straw wrap. With one last peck on the cheek, she picks up her mini cluster of flowers and heads out the door, turning to watch you with the last few steps. Left alone in the cozy golden room, lit up by the setting sun, you turn to look in the mirror one last time. Your eyes glide down the satin fabric that drapes effortlessly over your figure. The gentle folds created by the waterfall of ivory that can't help but remind you of the dress you wore to the gala all those years ago.
It's not too long before you hear a gentle knock on the door and it opens to reveal your mother with a beaming smile.

"It's time."

Taking a deep breath, you walk towards her and extend a hand to hold. Together you walk out of the room, hand in hand, and weave your way through a couple of corridors before you see a gaggle of people waiting by a set of large wooden, arched doors. Frosted glass stops you from seeing anything behind them but the bright sunlight. Behind it lies the beautiful outdoor architecture of a meadow garden. The new arrangement it's be organised into for the day, you still haven't seen.

"There she is!"

Suddenly, the whole group turn to watch you take the last few steps towards them, all with soft yet elated smiles. Alice, Dianna and Jaq wear the same navy blue midi dresses, decorated in floral lace. Propped up on Alice's hip, now sits Dina who you immediately greet with a glowing grin. Whispering sweet words and stroking her chubby cheek, you struggle to draw your attention away as everyone else makes a play for it. Your father stands proudly at the outskirts of the group, keeping an eye on Elliot who bounces around his feet. Also sat on Jaq's hip is Charlie, somehow with a face covered in crumbs. She's who you go to next as you wipe them off her whilst also scraping a tear from under her mothers eye with your thumb.

"I guess we better get this show on the road."

Taking a deep breath, you stand up taller and nod gently at the suggestion. Your mum gives a reassuring squeeze to your hand before prying Elliot away from your father and following Jaq to the door with Charlie. Just as Dianna begins to follow next, you catch her shoulder to stand next to the door.

"Wait, I wanna watch."

You make an effort to not see Bucky, but to only focus on your family as they walk up the makeshift isle. The rows of seats line each side and are decorated with white wisteria on the inner most column. A wooden panel has been placed down as steady ground for you all to walk on, with the wicker chairs to match. Elliot tries his best to walk slowly instead of skipping, but his steps are still left with a slight spring. As they reach the end, Jaq passes Charlie to Ben's parents who are sat in the third row, and Elliot heads straight to his dad who stands with the rest of the groomsmen. Your mother takes her seat in the front row and Jaq stands at her spot on the tiered platform, next to the alter. Just then, you feel as Dianna moves past you with a sweet smile and a quiet 'good luck', and begins to glide her way between the rows of people. As she nears the end, you turn to Alice as it's her turn next. Picking up the little basket of petals on the bench next to you, you place them in her hands and show them to Dina who still sits on her hip. Stroking her hair back a couple of times, you kiss her softly on the forehead and turn once again to Alice. Taking a moment to yourselves, you both can't help but ruin what would have been a really memorable moment.

"God, you look annoyingly good. I hope you trip out there."

"I hope she pees on you half way through the ceremony."

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