You're Not Bucky

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Courage To Change - Sia


You knock on the front door, expecting him to open. No answer.

"Bucky? It's y/n. I don't know if you remember me and I know I have no right to be here. I'm not even sure why I am here. I just- I saw the news-"

Before you can say anymore, the door opens. Instead of Bucky, a similarly built man stands before you, laced in blue. His helmet covers some of his face but that doesn't matter, it's obvious who it is.

"You're not Bucky."

"Neither are you."

"You looking for him too?"

Steve just nods whilst scanning you, probably looking for weapons.

"You friend or foe?"

"Neither. I'm just here to make sure he's okay."

You slide past him and into the apartment to make sure Bucky really isn't there. You're shocked by the conditions he's living in. Instead of a proper bed, there's just a mattress on the floor.
Steve closes the door behind him after making sure you weren't followed.

"You shouldn't be here, things could get messy."


You whip your head round to see Bucky standing there, confused and slightly defensive in his stance.

"I saw the headline. Thought you could use a friend. Plus I wanted to make sure you weren't pinning anymore people to alleyways."

He nods with an eye roll. You give home a once over, noticing that he looks a bit more put together than last you saw him. Something still feels wrong. You barely know him but something still tells you that he didn't do it.

"How did you know how to find me?"

You smile slightly, quite proud of yourself for finding his hide out. You literally just followed him after your last encounter but still.

"I have my ways."

Steve cuts in.

"You know me?"

Bucky draws his head up to look at Steve. You can see that he has some trust for him which causes you to relax slightly.

"You're Steve. I read about you in a museum."

White Flag - Bishop Briggs

Their exchange goes on for a few more minutes before all hell breaks loose. Guns firing, uniformed figures bursting in from every angle. You cower in the corner, scared for your life. This is way out of your depth.
Bucky and Steve fight their way out, leaving you in the apartment. Everything goes quiet for a while until you think it's safe to emerge.

"That's great, leave the civilian here."

You raise your voice in annoyance as you sarcastically talk to yourself.

"Don't worry about me! Honestly, love being shot at!"

Without your knowledge, your shouts have raised the attention of some men who have just recovered from their beating. They raise their guns as they enter the room, instructing you to kneel and put your hands behind your head.
Surprised at the sudden ambush, you do as your told.

"Okay, woah woah woah! I'm just a journalist! I'm unarmed!"

The men ignore you as they cuff you and escort you into the back of a van and sit you down.

"I'm flattered that you think I'm dangerous but this is really unnece-."

They cut you off by slamming the door.


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