Stupid Lies

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Dancing With The Devil - Demi Lovato

Bucky decided not to tell you what the mission was, just that he'd be gone a few days. If you knew that he was going to fight the same people that put him in the hospital, you'd have never let him walk out the front door. Instead, he just said that Sam needed his help and he couldn't say why. You were suspicious at first, but you brushed it off when you realised it's probably going to be a recurring thing; confidential missions with Captain America.

Because he's away so often, your goodbyes have been brought to the front door, as apposed to the the airbase.
Walking towards the door, Bucky scoops up the white fluff ball that's been waiting patiently for attention.

"Okay buddy, I'll see you in a few days."

"You talking to me or the cat?"

Bucky laughs quietly as he hands you the mass of fur.


"Be careful, okay?"

He pauses for a second, debating in the last moment whether to tell you the truth about where he's going.

"I always am."

He leans down to kiss you as you place a hand on his jaw, stroking his cheek twice with your thumb for comfort. Leaning down further, he picks up his bag and plants one last peck between Alpine's ears before opening the door. He shuffles out, smiling at you as he closes it behind him. You're left standing in front of the door, already wishing he was back and not walking towards danger.

"Let's wave him off shall we."

You tuck the white bundle under your chin and scratch behind his ears as you walk towards the window. Looking out, you see his bag being loaded into the back of a non-descript black car as he looks up to your apartment. You give a reassuring smile and wave as he climbs in the back. Within the minute, he disappears down the street. As though it were routine, you go to your desk, and begin to distract yourself with work.

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