Harsh Truth

42 2 0

Holding a Heart - Toby Lightman

"You don't have the same protection as Bucky and Sam. Effectively, they have a licence to kill as long as it's necessary. You don't."

"So they want my head because I used self defence?"

You look up at the three of them standing around you as you sit, facing into the room. The broken wall of glass stands behind you. After your outburst, you ripped off the electrodes and joined the others in the control room.

"Well they're arguing that you used unnecessary force. They think that because Sergeant Barnes was present, fatalities could have been avoided."

"That's something you don't hear everyday."

"Sam, not now."

You give him a warning side glance, and he dips his head down in apology.

"What about Sharon? Just because we're not pressing charges doesn't mean she's blameless!"

You were convinced by Hill not to press charges against Sharon. She's already got enough of a sentence to put her away for a few lifetimes so it wouldn't do anything anyway. But Fury is concerned that if people learn that Sharon had access to chemical weaponry like what she subjected you to, there may be panic and doubt towards the FBI from the public.

"Also, Bucky was losing when I stepped in. He could have been killed."

"I agree."

"They don't know that. If you ask me, you scare them. They don't know what you are or if you can be controlled. That makes you a threat."

"If we can prove that you're not a threat, then we have a better chance of them dropping the subject."

"Okay, so what does that involve?"

"We have to prove that you're fully in control. That whatever this is, isn't governed by your emotions."

Doctor McGuigan
"It's not going brilliantly."

Bucky squints at the doctor who abruptly goes back to looking at the unreadable squiggles on his screen.
You bow your head, not wanting to show any sadness to the group.

"Can you guys give us a minute?"


Holding the door open for the other two, Sam leads the way out as Bucky couches down in front of your seat.

"If I prove that I was in control, I prove that I wanted to kill him. It makes me a murderer."

"No, even if you are in control, it was the heat of the moment. You'd never used these powers before, you didn't know what you were doing."

"You keep saying that! I threw a ball of fire at him Bucky, I wasn't exactly tucking him in for a nap."

Home - Cavetown (2:32)

Without saying a word, Bucky kisses your forehead and brings it down to rest in the space between his collarbones. He takes a deep breathe and closes his eyes before speaking.

"There's another option."

Confused, you raise your head back up to look him in the eye.

"The original version of this stuff, the one made by Aldridge Cillian. It was given to Pepper Potts, Tony's wife."

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, it was a whole Iron Man thing. The point is, he figured out a way to get it out of her. Maybe once we understand how Sharon changed it, we can do the same."

"Dude, why didn't you lead with that??"

"Because I said not to."

You look up to the door to see Hill propping it open and Sam in the doorway, the doctor hiding just out of view.


"Fury thinks you're an asset. He wants you to use whatever this is to fight."

As he speaks, Bucky stands back up to his full height and places a protective hand on your shoulder.

"Fight what? Last time I checked there wasn't an alien invasion scheduled."

"These are Fury's words, not mine, but we never know when the next threat will decide to show up. Having a trick or two up our sleeves is always useful."

"I'm not a trick. Or a secret weapon, or a soldier! I'm a photographer for Christ sakes!"

"So is Spiderman in his spare time and he was an Avenger."

You go silent at the word. Despite your relationship with Bucky, you see yourself as a civilian. You have minor combat training, zero experience and no intention of giving up your mundane life.

"I thought the Avengers were a thing of the past."

"It's an initiative. People come and go, but the Avengers were designed to last forever."

You stare her blankly, trying and failing not to have a new level of distain for Hill.

"How soon before we can get rid of it?"

You turn your attention the doctor, trying to completely ignore Hill's comment.

Doctor McGuigan
"I've gotta run a lot more tests to be sure, and you'll have to clear the procedure with the medical board."

"We can try to push it through quicker with the guys in charge, but no promises."

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