Start of Forever

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To Build a Home - Patrick Watson

Showing you round the upstairs, you fell more in love with the house with every room. Nothing was too over the top or modern. Nothing needed renovation and the rooms were laid out perfectly to how you would have envisioned them.

Coming to the last room on the floor, it's smaller than the others. It's completely empty with a window seat directly opposite door. A very light cream colour is spread across every wall with a golden light fixture in the centre of the ceiling.

"I thought that for now this could be a guest room, but maybe in a few years... that corner might look good with a crib in it?"

As he speaks, you feel his chin rest on your shoulder and arms curl round the front of your abdomen, his hands unintentionally finding their place over your stomach. As you look down at his hands, you feel the urge to just blurt it out. But you still can't find the words. Drooping your head down in frustration, you rest your temple in the side of his head.

"Hey, or not... I mean, no pressure. I know we still have the serum/gamma problem-"

He turns you round to face him, trying to find eye contact.

"No it's not that. It's just... it's scary. After everything, things are going so well and I am terrified that something is going to ruin it."

Bucky pauses with a sympathetic smile, just looking at you.

"Do you wanna know what I think?"


"I think, that you have every right to be scared. Trust me, I am too. If you had told me 10 years ago that this would be my life, I'd have laughed in your face. And I was not prone to laughing. But there is no way, that I am going to let that get in the way of giving you the life you deserve."

Sheepishly, you look up at him and smile sincerely. Closing your eyes, you take a deep breath...

"Now or never..."

Your words are said quietly under your breath, but given your closeness, Bucky hears them easily. When you open your eyes, he wears a combination of a confused and concerned expression.

"The reason I was sick-"

"Oh sorry, I didn't let you finish earlier!"

You raise one eyebrow at him and tilt your head, unimpressed.

"And I'm doing it again, sorry, please continue."

"Right. The doctor asked me some questions, but she only had to run one test in the end."

"How come you were gone for so long then?"

Love Someone - Lucas Graham

Placing one hand into your back pocket, you pull out the folded up stack of 5 glossy sheeted photos.

"Because I wanted to be sure, so I got these done..."

Handing the paper to him, he looks it over with a confused frown. Arching one brow, he looks to you for answers. You match his confusion before suddenly realising.

"Shit, sorry! Ultrasounds are a post war thing..."

"Hang on, this is an ultrasound? I know what it is, I've just never seen one."

You're surprised about how calm he is as he examines the paper.

"Wait, but I thought ultrasounds were a baby thing...-"

When he looks up, you're smiling at him like he's a monkey trying to solve a rubics cube. Adorable, but hopeless.

"Are you...?"

You break your eyes away from his and place one finger on the photo in front of him.

"Is that??"

"That's your baby."

He says nothing and just looks at you in astonishment. As his mouth cracks into an agape smile, his eyes quickly dart between the photo, your eyes, and your stomach. Without missing a beat, he lifts you off of the ground with a passionate kiss. Placing you down slowly, he brings his hands down to the front of your hips so that his thumbs cross over your stomach. He stares down to where you hold your unborn child, softly smiling. When he looks back up to your eyes, you see the slight glisten of tears in his. Just seeing it sets you off. For a moment, you stand with foreheads pressed together, just staring down at your baby.

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