I've Been Expecting You

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Help Me Now - Kevin McHale

About a month goes by of you settling back into normal life. You lost a lot of clients over the time you were gone but work slowly started to pick up again once you listed availabilities on your website. Bucky spends his days helping to fish out the rest of Sharon's operation from within the FBI. Most of her external contacts are too well buried to go after without more proof of their involvement, so he's basically just looking for moles. Close to home.

You decide to go out and celebrate your return to normality with friends. Nothing too fancy, just drinks with close loved ones; Alice, Sam (you convinced Bucky to forgive him for all his wrongs, though you didn't half give him a bollocking for the tracker), Sarah and you two.

"A toast! To y/n and her knight in shining armour, welcome back girl."

Chinking your glasses together in the centre of the circular table, you all sit back down as you take a sip.

"Thank you, Alice, but I'm not sure I care for that term..."

"What? Am I not your knight in shining armour?"

He plays up his offence to earn a laugh from the group, including you.

"Sure, but only in the fairytale where the princess saves the knight's ass from getting pummelled."

Humming in jestful disagreement, you both lean in for prolonged peck, eliciting disgusted remarks from the others.

"Okay, okay, we may not be eating but I will still hurl."

Laughing at Sam's icked out face, you lean forward on the table, Bucky's arm round your waist as he kisses the side of your head.

"So, is that it for you two? Back to normal?"


"We agreed that we can't stay in the apartment given what happened in it."

"We're not ready to buy yet, but we're hoping that if we downsize slightly and rent, we can eventually save enough to get a house."

Everyone around the table shows genuine grins of excitement as they witness the bubble of affection surrounding you and Bucky.

The night goes on as you talk about all that you missed and you show a little demonstration of your strength in an arm wrestle with Sam. You won.
When everyone finally parts ways, you and Bucky walk the few blocks back home, arm in arm.

Black Magic Woman - VCTRYS

When you reach your apartment, your joint fatigue is evident by the way you slog up the stairs as if it were Everest. Unlocking the door and stepping inside, you take in a breath to say something. However, you're stopped by a light automatically switching on in the corner of the living room. Both you and Bucky whip your attention to source of the illumination, only to see a man dressed all in black with Alpine on his lap and an eye patch over his left eye.

"You know, I usually stay away from cats but this one can't seem to leave me alone."

"Who the hell are you? And how did you get in here?"

Instead of replying, the man simply tilts his head whilst looking at Bucky with impatience.

"Y/n, meet Nick Fury. Fury, y/n"

"Oh don't worry, I know."

"You know him?"

You raise your brows at Bucky in confusion, still waiting for someone to explain the situation.

"He's the guy Hill was sent by, remember."

He then turns to Fury and begins to walk in the direction of the living room before sitting comfortably in the sofa facing Fury's seat.

"Still doesn't explain why you broke in and sat in the dark waiting for us."

"Maybe you'd know if you picked up your damn phone."

His comment is directed at you as he brings Alpine close to his chest and begins scratching him under the jaw. As you talk, you find yourself following Bucky's path to lean on the console table.

"I haven't had any calls from an 'Agent Fury'."

To this, Fury holds up a phone to show countless red lines that upon closer inspection show to be your mobile number.

"So you're the unknown number that's been spam calling me... You can't exactly blame me for sending them to voicemail."

"Well you're here now, what do you want?"

"I wanna know why you aren't jumping at the chance to put your skills to good use."

Dream On - Aerosmith

"This again. And what's your definition of 'good use'?"

"Whatever you want it to be. Just not standing on the side lines."

"Like I told Hill, I'm a civilian-"

"Not anymore. You're an enhanced individual. That means something."

"Look... I know you mean well, but it's just not me. I'm not the person who takes down the bad guys in a skin tight costume, or knows how to use weapons, or can take a punch even!"


"Excuse me?"

"Bullshit! I've seen the footage. You took down 4 very well trained bad guys, 3 of who'm were enhanced. And if I'm not mistaken, you've received combat and weapons training from the Winter Soldier himself, no? You got rid of the fire thing, fine. But you've changed more than you can admit... My point is, you're almost there. You just need that extra push, and you could do so much good."

A small movement in your brow changes your expression from fed up to conflicted, giving Fury the go ahead to entice you further.

"All I'm asking is for some extra training at first. Then we'll bench you. Until you're needed."

Once again, you look to Bucky for him to tell you what to do. Instead he mirrors your visage. As much as you want him to guide you, this is your decision, and your decision alone.

"Would I get to decide when I help?"

"We'll ask but it's up to you when you agree, this isn't a dictatorship. But on your conscience be it. We just need to know that you'll be there."

You stare at the ground for a minute chewing your lip, your mind circling with every pro and con.

"I need some time to think."

As he speaks, Fury stands up from his seat, sitting Alpine neatly on the seat he was on.

"Fine by me, take your time. But if you take too long, I will get myself a key cut."

Pulling out a small device from his pocket, Fury stands in front of Alpine, running a golden beamed scanner over him. Unsure of his motive, both you and Bucky lurch forwards in preparation for defence. You're muddled however when a female voice sounds from the device.

"Species: Felis Catus. Threat Level: Low to medium."

"I always check. Better safe than sorry."

With that, Fury speed walks out the front door leaving you and Bucky in a cloud of confusion.

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