Inaugural Speech

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Roses And Violets - Alexander Jean

*Bucky's POV*

I wait to listen to Sam. His words are potent and in some ways perfect. I try to give my full attention as I know y/n is in good hands, but I still worry for some reason. I get that what she said was in the heat of the moment and she didn't mean it... probably. But it still hurt. Again I have no idea why. I usually don't care what people think about me, so I don't know why it's getting to me.

I left these thoughts for when Sam had finished speaking. What he was saying was far more important than dwelling on a petty argument. When he's finished, he walks over expecting the snarky comment I gladly give him.

"Sorry, I was texting so all I heard was a black guy in Stars and Stripes"

We each give a little chuckle as we walk.

"Nice job Cap."

I give him a pat on the back as we approach Sharon. At this point I'm anxious to go and make sure y/n is okay, so I rush to get Sharon's bullet wound seen to. As soon as she is in the clear and getting stitched up, I grab the bike I stole from earlier and head for the hospital. I promise I'll give it back at some point but for now, I still need to borrow it.

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