Transitional Phase

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Lay Me Down - Sam Smith

5 hours later, you're still waiting. You've passed the latent phase and are now in to active labor. When you came in, you were 6 cm dilated and your waters still hadn't broken. After the doctors stepping in, it finally did and you got to see why the next bit is called 'the bloody show'. Last time someone checked, you were 7 cm dilated and still waiting to be 8 (it usually takes about 15-20 minutes to go from 8 to ten). Every now and then, Mary comes in to check on all three of you. So far it's just a case of waiting. Bucky, bless him, is trying everything to take your mind off of the contractions. He tried playing cards, reading to you, watching tv etc. Other than that it's just been a case of changing positions, walking around and the occasional back rub.

You're walking from one end of the room to the other pushing down on Bucky's hands for stability, given that your knees are weak from the aching of contractions. Bucky tried making a joke about you needing the walker he gave you after your coma, but you weren't in the laughing mood at the time. When Mary comes in, you barely even acknowledge her presence since she's been in every hour to check your progress.

"How we doing guys, feeling the urge to push yet?"

"If I say yes can we get on with it?"

"Okay well let's take another look shall we?"

Carefully, with Bucky's help, you crawl onto the bed. Rolling onto your back, you bring your ankles towards your body so that your knees hold the blanket up for Mary.
After a minute of checking, Mary sticks her head up above the covers with a semi-wide smile.

"We'll good news, I think you're in the transitional phase now! Shouldn't be long before you're fully dilated. Have your contractions gotten worse?"

"Yes, about 5 minutes ago."

"I'd give it another 10 to 15 minutes before we're ready to try pushing."

"How long does it take after that?"

"Uh, it varies. But for first time mothers it's usually about 2 hours."

You roll on your side towards Bucky and bury your head in the crook of his elbow with a groan.

"Don't worry, pushing is the easy part. Take it one contraction at a time, and remember that each one is a step closer to meeting the little one."

"Maybe if the 'little one' had a smaller head, there'd be fewer steps."

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