Tracking The Past

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Groove Me - King Floyd

*Bucky's POV*

"So that's my plan."

"Damn. I gotta give you props, it's romantic as hell. But I don't get where I come in."

"Well, technically, I never left the army officially. Therefore, I'm still entitled to wear my ceremonial uniform. Unfortunately, I don't have enough clearance to track it down-"

"But I do."

I give him a pleading squint, hoping that he'll just do me a favour without trying to get something in return.

"Alright fine. But I can't promise anything! For all we know it's in some collectors basement."

I sigh with relief, one more thing taken care of.

"Thank you Sam. Don't worry if you can't find it though, I'll figure something else out."

(Time Jump - Two Days Before The Trip)

My phone rings and I see Sam's name plastered across my screen. I barely let it ring once before I pick it up.

"Sam, hey!"

"Hey, listen, I think I found it."

I hold my breath waiting for what he's going to say next.

"It was given to the Smithsonian as part of your display but they only wanted your commandos costume."

"Uniform but okay, so where'd it go after that?"

"Well, like we thought, it got put on auction along with some other Captain America memorabilia. Looks like it got bought by some guy in Phili."

My breath is still held, scared he won't be able to find it.

"So, I gave him a call, turns out he died a few years ago so his daughter now has it. She's willing to give it back with no charge, but someone has to go get it."

I think for a second as to whether I'll even be able to.

"I don't think I'll have a chance to go down there before we leave."

"I thought you'd say that. Look, I can't make it down for a few days but if you want, I can get it, then ship it over to you same day."

I jump at the idea, astonished that he'd go to so much trouble.

"Are you serious? That'd be perfect, thank you Sam!"

"Good cuz you're paying for my train ticket and the postage."

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