S2: Spoke too soon

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Bonnie was now in her second year of college. The past year had been pretty rocky considering it had been her freshman year. With Kol being there, it sort of made it easier. Her and Kol became pretty close, almost close enough to call each other friends. Kol would pop in and check on her every now and then, along with the constant compulsion he had done to her professors to give her an A. Either way, Bonnie wouldn't fail a class, Kol just made sure it would never happen. Bonnie liked to work for what she earned, and Kol knew that. That's what he adored most about her, which is why he never told her his devious actions. It would only have two outcomes; her yelling at him and her yelling at him. Their feelings for each other were still there, they just had a pretty good way of hiding it. 

Things were finally going good, just how she had planned. She felt this was the universe's way of apologizing after all the crap it threw at her. 


Bonnie stumbles at the grip of Caroline's tight pull on the corset dress Bonnie had on, it sucked in her stomach and pushed her boobs up, straightening her shoulders. "I don't think all this is necessary for a frat party" Bonnie said pulling on the dress, hoping it would make it looser. "It is definitely necessary, it's our first frat party. There'll be hot guys and...hot guys" she said. Bonnie playfully rolled her eyes at the blonde's obsession with boys and walked over to the mirror looking at herself in the dress. "How did I get myself into this? Two years ago, I remember promising that, that will be the first and last time I'd let you dress me up like I'm a doll or something" Bonnie said looking into the mirror. 

Caroline walked over to Bonnie and stood behind her, Bonnie looked at her from the reflection in the mirror. "Well you were taking too long" Caroline said with an even tighter tie on the dress. "Says the girl who's still in a towel" Bonnie mumbled, grunting at the uncomfortable slimming the dress had on her waist. "Done" Caroline jumped, clapping her hands, proud of  how hot she made Bonnie look. Bonnie was already hot, Caroline just added a little bit of spice

"Never again" Bonnie said turning around to Caroline. Caroline chuckled "Yeah, sure. Are you done, Elena? I need to curl my hair and we're already running late" she shouted from afar. "Yeah, give me a sec" the doppelganger replied. 

Soon, they were all ready and made their way out the dorm.


They got to the party, which was only a couple of blocks away from their campus. They walked to the doorstep, the music was extremely loud. They could feel the vibrations of the beat with their feet. Caroline knocked on the door, which didn't really make sense considering how loud it was, nobody was going to hear it. Caroline stood there patiently along with their friends. Bonnie saw that as the perfect opportunity to leave.

"Looks like no one's gonna open the door for us. You guys can wait here, I think i'll-" before Bonnie could finish her sentence, Caroline grabbed her hand, going after the witch who took a few steps away. "Nooooo, you are staying. We are here to have fun, remember?" the blonde said. Bonnie turned back around and walked in front of the door. Coincidentally, someone opened the door. He was tall, with pale skin, and chestnut brown hair. "Hey ladies" he said greeting them. Elena and Bonnie waved, Caroline on the other hand was in a trans.

"Hey" she flirtatiously greeted back. Bonnie shoved her "Remember Tyler...your boyfriend?" she said with a fake smile, not making it obvious to the man in front of them. "I know Bonnie, don't ruin the moment" she said under a forced smile. Bonnie rolled her eyes. "Come on in" the guy said gesturing them to walk in. 

Bonnie's eyes shunned at the crowd, they were dancing and drinking, some were kissing so openly. They walked around the house, it was huge. Bonnie felt very claustrophobic just being in it, it was clear how uncomfortable she was. She turned around, Caroline was gone. Bonnie and Elena turned to each other. "Where's Caroline?" Elena asked. That's when they turned to see her dancing in the crowd, pouring booze down her throat. Bonnie and Elena laughed at her excitement. 

"Join me!" Caroline shouted in a distant. "Should we?" Bonnie asked Elena. "One dance won't hurt" she shrugged. "I guess your right" she replied. Bonnie gave in and followed her best friend as they joined Caroline on the dance floor. 

An hour or so passed. Bonnie wasn't going to lie, she was having the time of her life. In this moment, she felt euphoric, and surprisingly she drank a lot. She swayed her hips to the beat of the bass, soon she sensed a pair of hands on them. She ignored it at first, but the grip on her hips got tighter. She couldn't tell if she was imagining things from the alcohol or if this was actually happening. 

She turned around and saw the same guy who opened the door for them. She tried pulling away from his tight grip, but he was too strong. It was moments like these when Bonnie really wished she had her magic. 

"Get your hands off of me" Bonnie grunted, pulling his hand off of her. The guy smirked "You were doing such a great job, what happened?" 

"Your disgusting" she hissed. She tried removing his hands off of her once again, and he felt this burning sting that made a slight sizzling sound. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he hissed from the pain and walked away. Bonnie looked down at her hands and tried to process what just happened. She looked around for Elena and Caroline, but couldn't find them. They were lost somewhere in the crowd. Bonnie walked outside to get some fresh air. 

The wind was cool, and the air felt moist. She felt relieved, what just happened sobered her up for a bit. She rubbed her hands together and held them tightly. My magic...she thought to herself. The connection to her magic was always there, she always felt it, now it just released itself unknowingly and at the most random time. 

Bonnie went back inside and sat at the bar. She decided to take a break from the dance floor to think about what just happened. Bonnie rubbed her eyes, and rested her hand on her head. For some odd reason, she found herself dosing off completely. She texted Elena and Caroline to let them know she was going to head back to the dorm. 

She got up and left the party. She walked outside, the night felt eerie. The school campus was empty. Either everyone was at the party or some decided to spend their Wednesday night studying. The second option made more sense to Bonnie, although she had fun, she felt like she wasn't herself during that moment. Immediate regret ran through her head...I should've never went...she said to herself. 

She got to the dorm and unlocked the door with her keys. She walked in to see someone she hadn't seen in a while. Someone she wasn't very fond of. 

"Bonnie! Isn't this lovely? You came just in time".

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