Goodbye, Mystic Falls

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It had been three days since Bonnie had last spoken with Klaus. She kept thinking about what he had told her, and to be honest; she was considering going to New Orleans. As much as she hated to admit it, Klaus was right. Other than finishing college, she had nothing keeping her here in Mystic Falls. There was nothing to look forward to, but pain, agony, and heartbreak. It was a continuous cycle that just never seemed to end. She loved her friends, but they all turned their backs on her, and at the time she needed them most. 

Bonnie picked up her keys and drove to the Mikaelson Mansion. As she entered the gates, she felt weak. Like she was letting Klaus win, but her going to New Orleans meant saving her fellow witches, an innocent child, and finding Freya. She walked up to the steps and heard yelling coming from the inside. 

She then knew for sure, a fight was going on. Bonnie pitched her ear in closer to the door and heard Rebekah shout, "God, so help me Kol, I will cut your tongue off and pull your teeth out one by one!" 

Bonnie slowly backed away from the door and thought to herself, What the hell is going on in there? She gently knocked on the door, Rebekah opened it. She chuckled, and gave Bonnie a forced smile, "Bonnie Bennett, come in" she said stepping to the side. 

As Bonnie stepped inside, she saw the house in complete disarray. It was much more untidy compared to before. There were shreds of glass on the ground and frames hanging by a thread on the walls. She was confused as to what happened. 

"Should I come back another time?" she questioned turning to Rebekah. "No, you're fine, I assume you're here for Klaus" Rebekah replied, sliding the pieces of glass on the floor out of Bonnie's sight with her heels. "Yup" Bonnie said rocking back and forth on her feet. "I know he's hearing us, but he's yet to reveal himself" Rebekah said a little louder, exposing Klaus. 

The hybrid stood from the top of the staircase, and slowly walked down, not taking his eyes off of Bonnie. He smirked, he knew she'd come running back to him. 

"You knew I was here, so why'd didn't you come down earlier?" she questioned. 

"Well, Kol and Rebekah were having a bit of a disagreement, and those don't usually end so well, so I distance myself" he replied with his hands behind his back. 

Bonnie folded her arms, not wasting anytime with what she had to say, "I came to a decision about your offer". 

"And?" he questioned yearning for an answer. "I'll go, I'll help you. Not because I like you, but because there are innocent people that need my help". 

"How selfless of you" Klaus said sarcastically, "I knew you'd come to your senses" he continued. 

 Bonnie rolled her eyes at his comment, she then regained her focus back to their conversation. "Under one condition" she said ready to tell him her ultimatum.

"I'm listening"

"Once I help you get rid of Marcel, and 'win' your city back, you have to promise me that you'll keep the witches safe". 

Klaus nodded, "That's no problem" he shrugged. "I need you to give me your word" she insisted. "What does my word mean to you?" he questioned. 

"As manipulative as you may be, I know you usually keep your word" she replied. The expression on her face was solemn. She wanted to make sure that helping Klaus would at least be worth something in the end; if it meant him securing the lives of the witches. 

"I give you my word" he said reassuring her. "Is that all you request?" he questioned. "Yes" she retorted. Klaus stood up, "Good, then we leave today" he said walking to the living room. Bonnie stood up, and walked after him, "Not today! I was thinking a couple of days, perhaps weeks?" 

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