A general statement

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"Why are we whispering?" Nora asked.

"Because," Bonnie began, "We can't risk Kol overhearing us. He's in the back with kids screaming at the top of their lungs. The quieter we are, the harder it'll be for him to hear us."

"Second question."

Bonnie threw her head back, looking at the walls above. "Here we go."

"Why are we hiding this from Kol?"

"We aren't hiding anything from him," Bonnie said, playing with one of the many toys on the table.

"You sure? Because you said, and I quote: let's stand at least twenty feet away from Kol and act like we're having a girly talk over hot chocolate."

"Well, I-" Bonnie looked away for a second, unsure how to respond. "Okay, the truth is, I promised Kol that I would stay out of this mess after we found out who the killer is, which I did stay out of it at first. That was because I wasn't sure that Landon was the killer, but I am now. So..."

"So, you're going to go behind your boyfriend's back and potentially get us hurt from going after the guy eliminating half of the town's vampire population? Got it!"

"Well, when you put it like that, it sounds...bad," Bonnie muttered, rubbing her elbow. She felt like she was betraying Kol by going after Landon without telling him, but she knew somebody must do something, even if that somebody was her. And she couldn't do anything with Kol breathing down her neck about it.

"We all have a little badness to us, including you, Bonnie. If anything, it makes you even hotter," Nora said behind the rim of her mug.

Bonnie's brows furrowed at that. "Anyways. I have to make a few calls. Stay here." She walked off to a corner, leaving Nora to finish wrapping up the last of the presents.

Nora spotted Landon and Davina from a distance. She rarely used her vampire hearing to eavesdrop on conversations, but she was desperate to earn Bonnie's forgiveness. And earning it meant doing anything she could to help Bonnie out.

"You never told me your sister's name," Davina said.

Landon pointed a finger, saying, "That's because you never asked."

Davina put her hands on her hips. "Well, I like you...a lot. And, because I like you a lot, I am curious to know more about you, like what you do for a living and your sister's name. So, I have to ask Landon. What's her name?"

Landon took a step towards Davina. With them so close, she thought her heart would beat out of her chest if she weren't careful. "I'll give you a hint."

Nora made a face. His way of flirting was so corny. She wondered how women nowadays fell for it.

"What letter does it start with?" Davina asked.

"K," Landon said. He stepped back.

"Finally," Nora hissed under her breath. Their sexual tension was so intense that even she could feel it, making her very uncomfortable.

"Ooh," Davina snapped. "Is it Kayla? Kaitlin? Krystal? Kennedy? Kaylee? Katherine? Bonnie knows someone named Katherine, and she is awful."

"All of your guesses are wrong."

Davina slumped her shoulders and groaned. "Are you kidding me?"

"Aw, don't feel bad. I'll just let you keep guessing until you get it," Landon said. "After I use the bathroom. I drank way too much hot cocoa."

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