The Blame Game

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Bonnie sat on the bed, a frown on her face, while Kol lay unconscious. She slept over at the Mikaelson's house to keep an eye on Kol.

Bonnie began to think to herself. How could I let this happen, knowing there was no way Kallidika would die without hurting someone else in the process? If I had just been attentive and reacted quicker, Kol wouldn't be lying here before me...human.

Hayley walked into the room with a plate of bacon, eggs, toast, and apple juice. "I made you breakfast," she said.

Lost in her thoughts, Bonnie didn't notice Hayley's arrival. If Kol and I were going to be together, he'd have to take the cure sooner or later, but that would be his choice. Kallidika suddenly changed him, and he didn't even get to make that decision for himself...

"Bonnie," Hayley called, tapping her on her shoulder.

Startled, Bonnie snapped out of her thoughts and turned to face the wolf. "Oh, hey, Hales," she replied.

"Hey..." Hayley said, offering the plate and glass of juice. "Figured you could eat something since you were basically starved yesterday."

"Thanks," Bonnie said, placing the items on the dresser. She returned to the bed and rested her hand on Kol's chest, feeling his steady, human heartbeat. A faint smile crossed her lips, replaced by a persistent frown. "It's all my fault."

"No, it isn't, Bonnie," Hayley reassured. "There's no way you could have seen that coming."

"But I should've known, Hayley. I should've paid more attention to Kallidika," Bonnie said, her voice low and grave. A tear fell down her face. "He didn't get to choose, and now I'm afraid that when he wakes up, he'll hate himself, and I might not know how to help him. That's what's scaring me the most. I never thought I'd be in a situation where I don't know how to help him."

"Let's not jump to conclusions, Bonnie. We're not sure how Kol will react when he figures out he's human. And I'm sure you're the last person he would blame," Hayley said.

A knock interrupted their conversation. Davina stood at the doorway, hands clasped together. "Mind if I come in?" she asked.

"No, not at all," Bonnie said. Seeing Davina made her feel somewhat at ease. With her inability to fix things with Kol at the moment, she at least wanted to fix things with Davina.

As Hayley exited, Davina stepped in. "Hey, Bonnie," she greeted. "I heard about Kol."

"Unfortunate, isn't it?"

"I don't think it is. It would have happened anyway. We just didn't expect it to be so soon," Davina explained.

Bonnie sighed. "Yeah, I guess," she said. "How's Landon? Does he know Kallidika's dead?"

"Yeah," Davina nodded.

Bonnie felt terrible that they got rid of the one person Landon truly loved, but Kallidika was just what Bonnie liked to call an evil magnet. The longer she'd live, the more people she'd kill.

"How's he holding up?" Bonnie asked.

"That's the thing, I don't know. I spoke to Landon this morning after he buried her body, and he sounded fine, which I thought was weird because he just buried his sister. Two, he buried a freaking body. I mean, that can't be easy for him."

"Of course, he's sad about his sister, but he knows that she's better off dead."

"I guess you're right," Davina conceded. "Look, I'm sorry for everything, Bonnie. You've been a good role model in my life for some time now, and all I ever am is ungrateful."

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