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Finally they arrived, Damon tapped Bonnie waking her up. She shielded her eyes as the bright sun hit her. "We're here" Damon said parking at the side of the road. "Where is here?" she asked. "Georgia" he replied exiting the car. 

"Where are we? You brought me to a bar?" she got out of the car. "Damon i'm not old enough, they're not gonna let me in" she continued. "Sure they will" he says winking at her, making his way into the small building. Bonnie slammed the car door, annoyed, and followed behind him. 

Bonnie walked into the bar, slow jazz music hit her ears, she saw men and women tapping their feet to the beat of the saxophone, cheering. In front of them stood a tall ebony lady, with dark curly hair. The woman hopped gracefully over the table, as she took in the sight of Damon - "No, no. It can't be" she said in disbelief. Damon smiled, rubbing his hands together as he approached her. "Oh, honey pie" she said grabbing him, followed with a long kiss. Damon released a slight moan to the woman's touch. Bonnie stood there awkwardly, confusion planted on her face. She waited for them to finish whatever was going on. But what was going on, seemed to be lasting for what felt like forever, Bonnie cleared her throat to get their attention in case they forgot she was here. 

Bonnie and Damon sat down in front of her, she stood well behind the bar raising a toast. "Listen up everybody! Here's to the man that broke my heart, crushed my soul, destroyed my life, and ruined any or all my chances of happiness" - Damon had a big grin on his face, looking proud of what he had done. She poured a shot, her and Damon gulped theirs. Bonnie left hers untouched. 

"So, how did he rope you up?" the lady questioned Bonnie. "I'm not roped in, I uh actually am barely friends with this man. He's the brother of my best friend's boyfriend" she kindly replied with hidden irritation.  

"Your not roped, your whipped. I should've guessed that the first time" the lady said with sass in her tone. 

"No, i'm just me" Bonnie said clearing any other assumptions the lady had about her. Damon looked at Bonnie and could feel the tension between the two. "Bonnie, this is Ruth...a very old friend of mine, who is also a witch". Bonnie shook her hand, introducing herself. "used to be a witch. I lost my magic a couple years back. Now i'm just some hundred year old woman working in a bar" Ruth said taking another shot. 

"Wait, did you say a hundred?" Bonnie questioned. "Yeah, I know a few tricks. A witches magic is far more powerful than we assume" she replied. 

Bonnie thought about it for a second...a witches magic is far more powerful than we assume it is...Damon waved in her face, she snapped back to reality. "Drink up" he said dropping the shot glass in front of her. "What? No i'm not drinking that" she said pushing the glass away from her. "Oh come on, your acting like you've never drank before" - "Yeah the most I've had is a beer, this is...I don't know what this is, but it doesn't smell like something an 18 year old should be drinking. So! if you don't mind, i'm going to-" she got up ready to walk out the bar, but Damon vamp sped in front of her. "I do mind, now sit" he said. 

Bonnie took a deep breath in annoyance and turned around to go sit. Usually she would never listen to Damon, but then she calculated the possibilities of her trying to leave successfully and came to a conclusion that her chances were one to zero. 

Damon took her drink and drank it for her. 

"How'd you lose your magic?" Bonnie asked. "There was a man I loved, I would've gone above and beyond for him, flip the world over if he had asked me to. Them spirits can be bitches, but they are only trying to help you. The visions, the random episodes of passing out, that's all them sugar. Anyways, he asked me to perform a spell for him, one that I knew would disobey every single moral my ancestors stood by. To make a long story short, the ancestors were angry, VERY angry with me. It wasn't the first time I had gone against a witches code. Boom! I woke up the next morning, tried to do something as simple as a locator spell, didn't work. I spent days and nights trying and it never worked. And that's when I knew...I messed up... and where was the man who I thought loved me? Gone" she said wiping the tear that ran down her face, her demeanor cold. 

Bonnie blinked back, remorse ran through her veins. She felt bad for Ruth, felt bad how she let her vulnerability for a man get her magic taken away. The only other man - except for her father-  that Bonnie could maybe fathom to fall that far to her knees for was Kol. He was attractive, loyal, and overall just Kol. Her original plan was to escape the other side by herself, but plans changed and she put her life on the line, not just for herself, but for Kol. Because for some odd reason, he was worth fighting for. 

"Moral of the story, never trust the words that come out of a man's mouth" Ruth said giving Damon a deadly stare. Bonnie learned the opposite from Ruth's story, if anything it taught her to go after the person she loves or think she loves. She couldn't put a label on her feelings for Kol, they were just there. She couldn't dissect it. 

"I am so sorry that happened to you, whoever did that to you was a horrible person" Bonnie said. 

Damon immediately shut down the bawls and boo's ready to happen. "Bonbon's here to figure out a way to get her magic back". Bonnie was confused, they never discussed this. "I am?" she blurted. "Yes you are. So Ruth, lead the way" he said, Ruth rolled her eyes and called her co-worker over to cover for her. 

They walked past a curtain in the back of the bar, behind it was an old rusted door. Ruth looked around to make sure no one saw them, and she opened the door, leading them downstairs. Bonnie didn't feel too comfortable, I mean how could she? She barely trust Damon, and definitely not some lady she just met. Bonnie didn't show her i'm-not-so-sure-about-this self, she stood tall and continued walking. Damon looked around the eerie room, his eyes clearly judging. 

Ruth began looking for something in the draws, Bonnie stood closer to Damon. "I don't know if we can trust her, I saw how she was looking at you in the bar" she said quietly, then quickly smiling when Ruth turned around for a second. "Yeah, something seems fishy. But she has no magic, what's the worse she could do?" he replied. "I guess your right" she sighed. 

Ruth jumped in excitement when she found what she was looking for. It was a necklace with a silver pendant. Bonnie eyed it, knowing it looked familiar. A sudden memory from earlier today came at the speed of light in her head. She remembered fiddling with the jewelry on her neck when listening to Ruth's story. The jewelry that Ruth was now admiring in her hand, that's when she realized..."my necklace".

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