Supernatural: Part 1

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"That's just great" Kol said sarcastically. "Come on, Bonnie. You can't resent me for something like this, your not allowed to" he added. "Oh, I'm not allowed to?" She scoffed. "No, your not, both of us have been stuck here, not just me. I thought you knew because of how eager you've been to get out of here". Bonnie felt like that wasn't an excuse for Kol not to talk to her about it. Yes, she has been extra determine to leave the other side, but he has too. Plus, why wouldn't they? The plan was always to find a way to escape. 

"This whole time...I swear if any one of my friends die, I will kill you" she retorted. The hatred Bonnie had always felt for Kol, almost came creeping back. Bonnie grabbed her sweater, and slammed the door shut on her way out, leaving Kol tied to the chair. Bonnie quickly made her way to the caves, where she remembered seeing a drawing of her necklace imprinted in the wall. Last time she went to the caves, her vision were about a sacrifice. This is what they witches were trying to tell me, Bonnie said to herself. After hearing the news that Kol shared with her, it was very obvious that her visions are prophecies to an upcoming event. She hoped going there with her necklace that she had recently found would somehow help her contact Elena or Caroline.

 "Come on, come on" Bonnie grunted. She pulled off her necklace and chanted a spell her grams taught her right before she died. Something was wrong, when your on the other side, your able to see the living anytime you want, but with Bonnie, she was only able to see the living during certain times. Which is probably why, she had no clue of what Esther was planning. The thought still ran through her head, why wouldn't Kol tell her? It's not like he and Bonnie were the closest, so what was he supposedly trying to protect her from, and are we really surprised? Kol could care less, maybe a little bit about Bonnie, but definitely not her friends. 

Suddenly, the gravel on the ground made a clear path, at first Bonnie hesitated to follow it, but something in her told her to follow the path. Bonnie began walking slowly, taking delicate steps. It was almost as if her necklace did this, I mean it did hold the magic of a hundred dead witches, so it makes sense. The path took her to an abandoned church. She slowly opened the rusted door, and made her way inside, the door slammed behind her. She tried opening the door, but it wouldn't budge. 

Her eyes examined the dark setting, it was creepy and made her feel unease. Bonnie walked up to the alter and saw a book, she opened it and realized it was a grimoire, but she wasn't sure who it belonged to. The book began to flip pages by itself, it seemed that whichever spirit haunted the church was trying to tell her something. The spells were written in an unknown language, one she couldn't recognized, but it looked ancient. She waved her hand over it, hoping her magic would translate it for her, but it didn't work. Bonnie rolled her eyes and picked up the book, the doors of the church still refused to open. She looked to her right to see a window and coincidentally a brick. She picked up the brick and hit the window with it, the glass shattered and Bonnie made her way out. From there, she made her way back to Kol. 

Bonnie opened the door and walked to Kol. "Look what I found" she said holding the book in front of him. "Great, now will you untie me?" asked Kol with annoyance. Bonnie ignored his words and opened the book, she scanned through it. She traced her fingers along the ancient alphabets, struggling to translate the words. She sat on the couch near the chair Kol was tied to. Kol glanced to the side, the language looked familiar to him. "That's Aramaic" he said. Immediately, she looked at him "What's Aramaic?". "It's a biblical language, though it's very complex" he told her. "The witch's native tongue I'm guessing" she mumbled to herself, by "the witch" she meant the spirit that haunted the church. 

Bonnie turned her body and put the book near Kol, hoping he would help her. Kol stared at the book, then at Bonnie, he tilted his head like a kid at a candy shop impatiently waiting for their candy. Bonnie squinted her eyes, confused at what he was smiling about, then realized...the only way he would help her is if she untied him. "Can you please tell me what this says?" She asked with annoyance in her tone. "Why not use the magic of the internet and find yourself an Oxford dictionary to translate it by yourself". Bonnie sighed and turned back around, she wasn't going to beg him for answers, let alone try. "You know, even if you had the best dictionary in the world, it could take days to translate. Perhaps weeks" he added trying to taunt her. Bonnie took a deep breath and continued examining the book, not facing an eye towards him. 

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