Gossips and Voodoo

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Bonnie woke up the next morning, with a pounding headache. Everything that happened last night was a blur. All she could remember was entering the bar, then getting all cozy in Kol's arms. She turned to the side of her bed to see an empty space that she expected to be occupied by a certain someone. That someone being Kol. I mean, she did tell him to stay until she fell asleep.

Bonnie stared at the walls above her and sighed. Another day with the Mikaelsons. She pulled the sheets off her body and stood up from the bed-- the headache felt even worse. Everything around her spun, she quickly grabbed the edge of the bed-- nearly falling to the floor.

If this is what a hangover felt like, she'd promise to never put alcohol in her mouth again. Just thinking about it at the moment, disgusted her.

Bonnie took a shower and dressed up. She then made her way downstairs.

She walked down the steps to see Kol leaned against the banister, he smiled at her presence. She pretended that she didn't see him and walked to the parlor. A slight frown appeared on the original's face, he wondered if he messed things up again.

Bonnie wasn't mad at Kol. She just tried to avoid confrontation with him by any means possible. Knowing that they slept in the same bed together made her scared to confront him, because what if he looked at their time spent together as nothing.

As much as she loved being around him, she also hated it. She hated how it was so hard to find the right words to say when she was with him, how he was able to take her breath away, and how she could never explain the fluttering feeling he left in her chest.

He is the enemy, you two won't work out. The thought had a tight grasp on her mind. It was like a siren that influenced each and every one of her decisions, and she hated it. This siren was what helped her protect her heart and protect the people she loved. But when it came to Kol, she'd have to reconsider listening to it.


Klaus stood near the fireplace, twirling the cup of whiskey in his hand. He felt a familiar presence behind him, "I'm glad you're awake, I have some things I'd like to discuss with you," He said, his back facing Bonnie.

"Have you thought about our proposition yet, or do you want to continue avoiding it? Because the way things are looking right now, I see no hope for whatever goal you're trying to accomplish." Elijah blinked back, shocked at how bold Bonnie was. There were very few people bold enough to speak to Klaus the way Bonnie did, but because he needed her help-- he ignored the commentary.

Kol walked into the parlor, Bonnie spotted him from a distance. "She's not lying, brother. Time is running out."

Klaus turned around with his arms clasped behind his body, "I am very well aware of that. Which is why I've decided to partake in this ubiquitous plan you've all come up with. Except killing Marcel is not an option. So you can all cross that off your bucket list."

Bonnie raised a brow, "Who said anything about killing Marcel? I don't even know the guy, if anybody were to kill him, it'd be you guys. I don't plan on leaving New Orleans with a whole bunch of vampires on my neck-- making my life miserable, just as a way for them to avenge their leader's death."

Klaus smirked, "Well if we're being specific..." He said, then looked to Kol and Elijah. Bonnie threw her head back, "Of course," She said. They were the only two people who spoke about killing Marcel a lot.

Kol didn't return the smile to Klaus. "I am honored to be the culprit of wanting Marcel dead, you are mad to think otherwise. It's very obvious he's been plotting against me for years, and he hasn't got a lick of it right. I'll take my chances," He shrugged. "No one has to die, Kol. Killing Marcel would only make things worse," Bonnie said, with her arms crossed.

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