Memory lane

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                                                                             QUICK AUTHOR NOTE: *this chapter is different from what was originally written in tvd. So once you begin reading, don't expect a tvd script. I wrote this specific plot differently. This chapter will be giving a flashback. 


"Wh-what's going on?" Bonnie stumbled. Greta didn't answer Bonnie, instead she gave her a stern glare and turned back to look at what was in front of her.

Seven weeks earlier...

"Will you stop fidgeting?" Caroline sighed to Bonnie. 

"I'm sorry, but how tight does this dress have to be". Bonnie questions Caroline. "Tight enough, we only have a couple more weeks until we start our senior year. I think it's important we have some fun and by doing so, we have to look hot" Caroline utters to Bonnie. "Not too hot though, we're only 17 minus Bonnie because her birthday already passed" Elena mentions. They all giggle. "I guess it's fine, I'm only wearing this to make you happy care, next time I'm never wearing anything this tight". Bonnie says pulling down the dress. 

"Is Tyler coming?" Bonnie asks Caroline. "I...didn't invite him. He's still really mad at me for not saying anything about his uncle, but I didn't even know. I don't know, our relationship is so toxic, but for some reason, I can't get over him. Elena, could you give me some advice?" Caroline says. Bonnie's eyes widen. She knew what Caroline meant by asking that question. Her and Stefan were toxic, sort of. "Uh to him, try to reason with him". Elena says. "Not a very clear response Elena. Anyways we need to get going". Caroline mumbles. "Also guys, I get we're having fun and all, but let's not forget there's werewolves on the loose, who are seeking revenge". 

"We'll be fine. It's not like we're the ones who killed mason". Caroline exclaims. Bonnie raises her eyebrows. "Trust me, as long as we're the ones associated with the person who killed him, they're out for all of us. None of us are safe. Especially you Caroline, I'm just worried". Bonnie tells Caroline. In her heart, Caroline knew she wasn't safe but couldn't accept it. She knew a werewolf bite could be lethal to a vampire, so as much as she hated to admit it...she knew Bonnie was right. "Okay "mom" I promise I will be extra careful tonight". Caroline says. Bonnie nods at Caroline in a worrisome way. 

*they head to the grill*

At the Salvatore house

"Where are you going" Damon questions Stefan. "No where, I'd like to spend some time with my big brother". Stefan replies sarcastically. "The feeling isn't mutual Stefan" Damon says as a sly grin appears on his blushed lips. 

"Is your girlfriend coming over?" 

"Nope, she's having a girls night with Bonnie and Caroline". Stefan gets a text from Elena, telling him to be careful of his surroundings with the werewolves on the loose. "Let me guess, she's making sure your okay". Damon pleaded with jealousy in his voice. "Your not happy that I'm happy, aren't you Damon". 

"Listen brother, I'm happy that your happy...somewhat". 

"Oh come on, you would be happy if you changed your attitude. Maybe you'd find a nice girl and live a nice life". Stefan says to Damon. Their conversation is cut off when the doorbell suddenly rings, Damon stands up to answer it. "Ooh- doorbell calls". 

"You should probably look out the window before you just open the door Damon". Stefan suggests to Damon. "Yeah yeah". Damon says while walking to the door. "Oh it's the wolf". Damon opens the door "to what do I owe your pleasure". Damon grins at Jules. Jules immediately runs and bites Damon. Damon groans in pain as he falls to the floor. Before Stefan could chase after her, she was already gone. Stefan runs up to Damon and notices that his wound isn't healing. "See Damon, I told you werewolf bites weren't a myth". Stefan says with a scared look on his face, holding Damon's head in his arms. 

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