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"Bonnie, its been a while. Pleasure to see you" Elijah greeted her with a kiss on the hand. "Elijah" she said greeting him back with a kind smile. Bonnie's stomach fluttered from his touch, Kol could tell and rolled his eyes. Rebekah stood on the step giving Bonnie a nasty glare. 

Kol looked to his sister "No hello, or how are you? It's common courtesy". Rebekah flickered her eyes to the witch and walked down the stairs. Bonnie waved, Rebekah replied by rolling her eyes; walking past Bonnie as if she were a piece of trash. Bonnie blinked back, then turned to Kol. 

"Don't mind her, you how she is" Kol said to Bonnie trying to make her less uncomfortable. "Right, I know how she is" Bonnie said, her tone having annoyance in it, "Lead the way".

 Kol walked to his bedroom, Bonnie followed behind him. He opened the door, "Welcome, make yourself comfortable". This was the first time she was in Kol's room, she then remembered the time she woke up in his bed when they were on the other side. "Wow, nice's huge and surprisingly neat" she said. Kol jokingly put his hand on his chest "Some men, like myself, know how to keep a room in cleanliness". 

"You sure you didn't just clean up cause you knew you were bringing me here?" she exclaimed. 

"Maybe..." he said. Bonnie chuckled "You trying to impress me, Mikaelson?". Kol winked, "Always".

"This is what I wanted to show you, my siblings and I were digging up old items in the attic the other day, and we found this. I liked it, and figured I'd keep it as an antique. That's when the dreams started to appear, they became more and more gruesome by the day" he said handing the rusted metal object to Bonnie. 

Bonnie played with it in her hands, she rubbed the dust that was covering a particular face. A vision came, playing through her mind quickly. She saw blood, a little girl being stripped away from her mother, and a name on the wall that read Mikaelson. The vision finally ended, Bonnie found herself gasping for air as the item fell from her hand. 

"Bonnie, are you alright? What just happened?" Kol said with worry. "I had a vision, there was blood, a woman crying because her child was taken away from her, and a little girl. Freya, I think it was. I'm not sure". 

Kol quickly turned, his hand on his face as he heard the name Freya. Bonnie looked at Kol in confusion, did he know this girl?

"What, what is it?" Bonnie asked in the company of extreme curiosity. Kol stood in disbelief, "How did the girl look?". 

Bonnie focused, trying to recall what she had just seen, "She had curly blonde hair and green you know her?" Bonnie questioned. "Yes, yes I do. Freya was my sister, my Aunt Dahlia took her away from my mother and father just when she was a young girl. I never understood why". Bonnie stood surprised, Kol had another sister?

"It doesn't matter now anyways, she's most likely dead, it's been over a thousand years" he continued. That's when realization hit her- "Or maybe she isn't. Maybe, she's trying to reach out to you for help". Kol denied it, he refused to believe there was a chance that his long-lost sister was still alive, walking on this earth. 

"Think about it, your mother was a witch who turned you and your siblings during your teenage years. If Freya was taken at a young age, while human, she's probably not a vampire, but then again, she is a witch" her voice lowered as she came to an understanding. "A witch's magic is far more powerful than we take on. I could be wrong, but there's a possibility your sister is living off a longevity spell" Bonnie said. "I don't understand" Kol retorted. 

Bonnie sighed "It's an extremely potent spell used to transform a mortal person into being somewhat immortal, it stunts aging". She walked over to Kol with her arms crossed. He was sitting on the bed, struggling to take in the information he had just heard. "Look we can't be sure, but it doesn't hurt to try" she said. 

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