Our Dismantled Throne: Part 1

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Although she initially struggled with adjusting to her new home, Bonnie managed to come to terms with it eventually. It had only been a week and two days since she had left Mystic Falls. She found it increasingly easy to call New Orleans her permanent home with Kol, Rebekah, and Hayley beside her. Mystic Falls, however, would always be her original home.

At this point, Bonnie, Rebekah, and Hayley were now at Rosseaus, the bar Sophie worked at. Over barbecued wings and sodas, they chatted for a while.

Now that Sophie was at the shift, Bonnie spotted her from a distance. Sophie was also aware of her presence but opted to ignore it to avoid confrontation.

After wiping away the barbecue sauce from her mouth, Bonnie rushed over to Sophie. With a swift movement, Sophie retrieved the jug of water behind the counter and went to serve the customers.

"I know you're mad at me," the young witch abruptly said.

Rolling her eyes, Sophie poured a glass of water for the gentleman in front of her. "Is it really that obvious?" she asked sarcastically, not even batting an eyelid in response to the young witch behind her.

"You have every right to be upset. I didn't mean to leave you at the short end of the stick yesterday, but something happened and I couldn't make it," Bonnie said.

Sophie scoffed. "Something happened? Yeah okay," She said, almost as if she didn't believe her.

Bonnie tilted her head, with a hard-to-believe look on her face. "Seriously? Have you forgotten the crazy, supernatural-obsessed town you live in? A lot of unbelievable things happen where we're from that shouldn't be unbelievable to you, because you're a witch," she hissed, somewhat loud enough to be heard by the guy standing in front of them.

A look of confusion and shock painted the man's face. Sophie offered him a forced smile. "Don't mind her, she means metaphorically, not literally." Then she walked to her designated counter and went behind it, Bonnie following. Sophie looked annoyed.

Angrily, she slammed her clenched fist on the counter, Bonnie flinched at the motion.

"The last thing I need is you chasing customers away because you don't know how to shut it."

Bonnie mustered a hard swallow at Sophie's statement, upset by her words.

The young witch fidgeted with her fingers and held her head down. At the moment, she found it hard to make eye contact with Sophie. "I'm sorry I outed you in front of that guy about being a witch. I'm also sorry for not helping you with the spell yesterday. It's just -"

Suddenly, Sophie cut her off. "If anything did happen, I won't feel sorry for you. I warned you about performing magic in town, Bonnie. You have seen for yourself where performing magic got my sister: dead."

Bonnie nodded in agreement. "I don't expect you to pity me because you're right... absolutely right. All I want is for you to just hear me out."

The simplicity of Sophie's silence and folded arms gave Bonnie the impression that she was ready to listen. 

Bonnie explained everything to her. From them meeting Davina to her and Kol getting abducted by Marcel, and then Elijah forming some sort of, quote-on-quote, alliance with Marcel.

She wrinkled her forehead, shocked. "All of that happened in just three hours? That's insane!"

"It is. I was on my way to meet you to do the spell, and then everything went black. I wanted to help you, Soph. I need you to believe me," Bonnie said, hoping Sophie would reassure her that they were on good terms. 

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