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Freya kicked and screamed in the two men's arms as they only ignored the fit she was throwing and continued walking.

"Hey!" Bonnie shouted. The two men stopped in their tracks and turned around. "Let her go."

"This little bitch thinks we're going to listen to her?" One of the men said. He let go of Freya while the other one held onto her tightly. He went close to Bonnie's face, his aura threatening. "You think we're scared of y'all?"

Kol stepped in front of Bonnie. "If you call her that again, you will be scared of us," he said.

"I'm sorry?" The man tried to make sure he heard right. He couldn't take disrespect from another man. He caught a glimpse of the disgusted look on Bonnie's face from his disgusting behavior. "What? Are you going to beat me up, little bitch?" He looked Kol dead in the eyes. He knew it would piss him off.

Kol grabbed the collar of the man's shirt and pushed him against the wall, his body making a thud. One punch. Another punch. ANOTHER punch. Blood splattered from the man's mouth onto the floor. His eyes, nose, and mouth were bloody. At this point, he wasn't sure if he could withstand another punch.

Kol was a vampire, so killing people and not caring afterward was his thing.

Bonnie looked up to see cameras, so she grabbed Kol by his shoulders and pulled him off of the man. The man fell to the floor, sort of breathing and sort of not. "I appreciate the chivalry, Kol, but the entire hallway has cameras," she said.

Kol sighed in frustration. He lifted the man and slammed his body against the wall, punching him in the face once more.

"Kol," Bonnie called, telling him to stop hurting the guy.

Kol looked into the man's eyes, "Be a good champ and apologize." Compulsion.

"I'm sorry," The man whimpered.

Kol turned around to look at Bonnie. "Bonnie, dear, do you accept his apology?"

Bonnie didn't like the man, clearly, but she didn't want Kol to kill him. She wanted Kol to let the man go, but she wasn't surprised; he was extra. "Yes, I accept his apology," she said. "You could let him go now."

"Awesome," Kol said, then let go of him. He flicked the blood off his hands, though his knuckles were bruised and stained red.

"Are you okay?" Bonnie asked, studying his fist.

Kol wiggled his fingers. "It stings a little," he said. "But I'll be fine."

The other man holding onto Freya let go of her and ran in fear. He didn't want to end up like his friend.

Freya stumbled to the ground. Bonnie and Kol ran over to help her stand on her feet. Before she composed herself, she reached in to hug her brother. The awkwardness he felt made him hesitant to do the same. But then he remembered; she's my sister, so he gave in and wrapped his arms around her. And as soon as he did, he melted into her touch. They hadn't met before, yet their hug felt natural like he had known her for years. He looked at Bonnie, who had a gentle smile on her face from their: brotherly & sisterly moment.

They pulled away, leaving room for adaptation to this surreal reality.

"Are you okay?" Bonnie asked, a hand on Freya's shoulder for comfort.

"Yeah, I'm fine," Freya said. "Thank you, guys. I didn't think you'd come and get me."

"Don't mention it," Bonnie said, hands now in her back jeans pocket. "Now that we've gotten you, we need to get you out of here."

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