No such thing

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Elena got a knock on her door, she walked to go answer it, but hesitated. She checked the windows before opening the door and spotted Damon outside tapping his feet. She knew she shouldn't let Damon inside. Even though he is the reason for Bonnie's death, she always felt some sort of connection between her and him. Her heart sank. She instinctively opened the door. Damon tried to walk in, but Elena slightly raised her hand, letting him know that he wasn't welcomed in. Elena stood confused wondering why Damon was at her doorstep, did he really think Elena would speak to him after everything he's done. I mean, she did open the door for him, so did she really have a choice?

"It'll get easier, and you know that" Damon said standing in front of her. "What do you want?" Elena calmly scolded at him. 

"I want to apologize" he said. Elena scoffed at his words and tried closing the door. "Please" he pleaded. She opened the door, and listened to what he had to say next. "What I did was wrong"

"Killing Bonnie isn't just wrong, Damon. She's dead. Your apology shouldn't be to just me, Matt, Caroline, Jeremy and even Tyler deserve one too. You took Bonnie away from all of us. Look, I understand what happened that day, but you could've done something else to stop her rather than snapping her neck". "What else could I have done, Elena? Listen, I'm not here to argue and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness, but I need it" Damon said with sincerity. Elena stared into his icy blue eyes for a couple of seconds, debating whether she should forgive him or not. But what he did was unforgivable, and his apology wasn't going to cut it. 

"And I need some time, maybe a lot of time until I can forgive you, Damon"

Damon nodded his head, and understood what she told him. "True, of course" he replied. Elena nodded back to him and closed the door in his face, ending their entire conversation. Damon stood in front of her door with shame and turned his body to leave. He was disappointed, not at the fact that Elena didn't forgive him because it was expected. But disappointed at what he himself had done, and relationships he ruined. 

"He's gone" Elena said. The woman came out from the kitchen and held her hands together and stood strong. Elena walked over to the woman and offered her water, but the lady kindly denied. 

"Sounded like trouble in paradise" 

Elena squinted her eyes and tilted her head, annoyed at the woman's remark. "I didn't call you here to ease drop on my conversations, your here to tell me how we bring Bonnie back". "Some respect would suffice" the woman said. Elena apologized for her defensive tone towards the woman. "Bringing Bonnie back is very simple. I did a spell last night to see where Bonnie was taken to. She's on the other side, Elena. She hasn't found peace, which is an advantage for us. But in order for this to happen, Bonnie would have to trade spots with the anchor..."

"What's the anchor?" Elena questioned. "When a supernatural creature dies, they go through the anchor before heading to find peace or the other side. If Bonnie becomes the anchor to the other side, she will be able to feel their death.  For example, if they died from their heart getting ripped out, she will be able to feel it".

"Oh my gosh, that's...torture. But how do you know all of this?"

"Imagine how many supernatural creatures die every day, of course it's torture. She will deal with an unthinkable amount of pain. Also, I've been the anchor before, I wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy"

"I'm gonna need a while to think about this"

"When you've made your decision, you know where to find me. Oh and don't forget our truce. I bring Bonnie back, and you give me what I want"

"That is, when I've made my decision"

"Of course"

Elena nodded at her, shuddered in fear, but didn't show it. They said their goodbyes and Elena closed the door. A huge gulp ran down her throat as she swallowed and her bones tensed thinking about what she was getting herself into. But after all Bonnie had done for her, Elena felt this was one way to show her appreciation. She also missed her best friend and was willing to do anything to get her back. 

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