Room 8849, a lost cause.

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The gang stood around the small wooden table in the parlor. Bonnie was at the head, Kol and Rebekah were across from each other, and Klaus was at the foot. The map made a thud as Kol laid it flat across the table.

"Right now, we're in Lynchburg. And the Psychiatric Hospital where Freya is is in Vanderbilt-" Kol paused mid-sentence as he dragged his finger to the other side of the map. "-which is right here."

"That's a good seventy miles," Rebekah said.

"Seventy-three exact," Kol corrected, smiling mockingly at the blonde. Rebekah rolled her eyes.

"An hour and change drive, that's not bad," Klaus said.

"What's the plan when we get there?" Bonnie asked. "It's a psychiatric hospital. There are probably several guards surrounding the entire place. It'll probably be impossible to get in without going through a long series of identification."

"Have you forgotten who we are?" Kol chuckled. "We're vampires, love. There's nothing a little compulsion can't fix."

"That all sounds good in theory until God forbid, the guards happen to be on vervain, or better yet; they're aware of our kind, and needless to say, we get our asses beat," Rebekah said as Bonnie shook her head in agreement. The girls weren't trying to jinx anything, but in their situation, they had to weigh out all their options.

"Well, if that is the case, hopefully not, we have Bonnie to do whatever it is she does when in a crisis with vampires where she's left with no other option but to harm," Klaus said.

Bonnie narrowed her eyes. Vampires had always called an aneurysm anything else but its name. "You mean an aneurysm?" She questioned.

Klaus pointed his index finger, "Yes, that."

"Are you guys ready?" Kol asked.

Bonnie looked at Klaus and Rebekah for assurance. With that, she sighed and said, "As ready as we'll ever be."


Ingrid woke up in an empty room, her skin and body rigid. She looked down at her hands to see them chained to a pipe, trying to remember what had happened. The last thing she remembered was Doctor Behling leaving her room after Jane had snitched on her. That was all that happened, at least to her knowledge. She grunted, pulling her arms, hoping the chain would somehow break, but it didn't.

Suddenly, Doctor Behling entered the room, hands behind his back and a coy smirk on his face. "Someone's awake."

"What did you do to me?" She rasped, wondering how she got here.

"Before I answer any of your questions, I'd just like to let you know that I know who you are, Freya," he said.

Freya mustered a hard swallow. "I don't know what you're talking about," she said.

"You don't?" He sneered sarcastically. "I'm not stupid, Freya. I know that that whole; I'm looking for my long-lost family crap isn't just some nightmare. You're a Mikaelson, the oldest, who was stripped away from your family when you were just a little girl. I can only imagine the kind of trauma that can cause a person. So even though you were lying about who you really are this whole time, you need to be here in this psychiatric hospital as you've always been to heal that messed-up little brain of yours."

Freya knew that at this point, there was no lie she could come up with to get herself out of this situation. "Okay, you've caught me. Now, what the hell do you want from me?" She asked.

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