How Kind of You

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Bonnie was seated on the couch-- on the phone with Caroline.

"Look who decided to call me back.... Bonnie, where the hell have you been?" Caroline said, obviously annoyed.

"I am so sorry, Caroline. I have been really busy lately. How is everyone?"

"Everyone's fine-- okay, I have no clue what you've been busy with, but you can't just leave me clueless with a note on your bed saying you'll explain everything later, and then you don't explain everything later like you promised to," the blonde exclaimed.

"I'm in New Orleans...." Bonnie said, bluntly. Caroline laughed in disbelief, "No, you're not." Bonnie sighed, and put the phone even closer to her ear, "Yes, I am."

Caroline scoffed, "Please tell me you're just there for a mini vacay, and not for anything else," -- by anything else, she meant the Mikaelsons. Bonnie remained silent on the phone, not sure of how to answer her question. She didn't want to tell Caroline the truth, but she didn't want to lie to her either. At this point, she didn't need to say anything. Her silence already answered Caroline's question.

"Why are you over there with them? Did Klaus kidnap you or something? Send me the address, and I'll book the quickest flight I can get," Caroline rambled on.

"No, Caroline, Klaus did not kidnap me. I came here willingly," Bonnie said.

"And why would you do that?" Caroline questioned, utterly confused.

"Well, for one, I've been having these visions. Did you know that the Mikaelsons have another sister? Her name is Freya, and she's been in all of my visions. I have a feeling that she's reaching out for help, but we haven't really figured it out yet," Bonnie said. Caroline rolled her eyes, "Just when I thought one original was enough."

"Well, she's not a vampire like the rest of her siblings," Bonnie informed her.

"Yeah, but why would she be in your visions? It's not like you know her or something?"

"Exactly what I'm wondering... Anyways, there's another reason I'm here," Bonnie wanted to tell her, but she wasn't sure how Caroline would react. Everyone knew Klaus and Caroline liked each other, maybe even a little more than that, so she could only think of a thousand ways this could break her best friend's heart.

"Hayley is pregnant, and Klaus is the father," the witch said. The phone was quiet, it seemed like there was no one on the line. The phone then began to beep in Bonnie's ear, "Caroline?" she called, no reply back.

I shouldn't have said anything... Bonnie thought to herself, she immediately regretted even opening her mouth about the whole situation. Bonnie's phone rang, she looked to see Caroline calling her back, she picked it up.

"Sorry about that, you know how Whitmore is, the network's terrible," Caroline chuckled over the phone, Bonnie could tell she was hurt.

"Look Caroline, I know this is upsetting for you. I know how much you like Klaus."

Caroline sighed, ignoring Bonnie's worry for her, "How are you guys so sure that Klaus is the father? He's a vampire."

"Hayley is a wolf, Klaus is part wolf. This baby Hayley is carrying is meant to be here, almost like he or she has a purpose. Once again, this is another one of nature's loopholes," Bonnie said, her mind still wandering in doubt of how any of this could be possible.

"I don't get it. How is Hayley being pregnant a you problem?" Caroline questioned. "Well, I agreed to help Klaus protect his unborn child. New Orleans is a prison for the witches, they can't use magic. There's this guy, his name is--" Just when Bonnie was about to explain everything to Caroline, Rebekah walked into the room, putting a hold on their conversation.

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