I'm Sorry

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Once Bonnie and Elijah came to an understanding, they called Marcel back in the room. Marcel made an entrance rubbing his hands briskly with a bright smile on his face. Bonnie and Elijah stared at him blankly, they didn't find anything entertaining right now. When he could sense that they weren't in the mood for his humor, he raised his hands up in surrender.

"We've come to an agreement that I will be answering you. As the eldest brother, I am more than willing to take responsibility for the sake of my siblings safety," Elijah said, back straight and chin up.

Marcel looked to Bonnie for the assurance he needed, Bonnie nodded in response.

"Just a quick reminder; if any of you are trying to pull some trick on me, oh boy! You'll regret it," Marcel said, his jokingly demeanor completely changing to serious.

Elijah made direct contact with Bonnie, hoping she would say something because it seemed that Marcel trusted her more than him. Which was weird considering they were enemies and had just met.

Bonnie had such an emotionless look planted on her face. She didn't look happy or sad or angry, she just looked dull-- like she had no personality.

"Like Elijah said. He will provide you with all the information you need about this wolf you suspect is in town. Do you need any further validation?" Bonnie questioned.

She couldn't even stand looking at his face. He absolutely disgusted her-- so bad to the point where the hatred she felt for him had her numbed. The only pain she could feel at the moment was physical, mentally, she was done for. "No more validation is needed," Marcel said. He stood in the same spot, and turned around, "Mateo!" He shouted.

A man with dark brown hair and Ivory skin walked into the room with his hands flat to the side. There was no way he was anything older than seventeen, he looked at least sixteen. Bonnie began to wonder if Marcel was kidnapping innocent people to turn them into vampires, so that he could have a larger army.

"Take her to the guy," He instructed.

"And him?" Mateo questioned, pointing to Elijah.

"Don't worry about him. He's staying with me," Marcel retorted, a look of confidence on his face.

Bonnie picked up the black sweater Marcel had given her earlier, and put it on. She sighed deeply, and looked at Elijah before walking out of the cellar with Mateo. Elijah gave her a half smile, guaranteeing her that he'll be fine. Bonnie smiled back, which then faded into a frown and exited the room.


They walked for about five minutes, and eventually came to a stop. Bonnie's eyes traced all around the room, but Kol was nowhere to be seen.

"Where's Kol?" She asked Mateo. Mateo sighed, "Give me a second."

Bonnie could tell he didn't want to be a part of this. He didn't want to be a part of any of it.

She stood still, tapping her finger impatiently, anxiety taking over her body.

There was a faint shuffle, but eventually Kol stumbled into the room-- two men behind him. One of the men looked at least in his forties and was tall. The other one looked Mateo's age. He had cocoa-colored skin and black kinky hair. The young boy walked into the room with an absolute look of shame and exhaustion on his face; the same look Mateo had on his. "I'm sorry," the dark-skinned boy mouthed to Bonnie. Bonnie could tell he didn't do this by choice, and mouthed "It's okay."

It was not okay at all, but Bonnie was a forgiving person and she knew that Mateo, nor the other boy had nothing to do with the hurting of Kol. And even if they did, she knew that they were probably forced to.

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