Witches' Code

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Multiple things were going through Bonnie's mind at the moment. The main one was her fear of killing another witch. Everyone knew that the witches lived by a code. One that meant defending one another from the face of evil. And, now that 'evil' to them had become her, she wasn't sure what to do. She wondered if killing them would really be worth the guilt she'd feel afterward. Not only that, but the spirits took betrayal harshly. If she were to kill the witches, all the covens in New Orleans would gather to ensure she'd reap the consequences. If she didn't kill the witches, she'd have to return home to curious and probably angry Mikaelsons. No matter which road she decided to go on, there would be a pothole, slowing her down. Or, in this case, making her life much more stressful than it already was.

Kol looked at Bonnie, her finger fidgeting, giving away her anxiousness. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"I'm fine," Bonnie said. "I'm just annoyed that we've been walking in this creepy graveyard for over five minutes and are yet to find the witches. If they're even here."

Kol shrugged. "Maybe they're hiding."

Bonnie stopped and looked at Kol, a sarcastic smile tugging at the corner of her lips. "Hiding from what, exactly? They don't even know we're here."

"I don't know. Maybe the witches cloaked themselves because they're scared we'll find them," Kol explained.

Bonnie shook her head, releasing a low chuckle. "Don't you get it? They want us to find them, Kol. And if anyone's scared, it's me, not them."

"Okay, you're afraid," Kol shrugged. "And?"

Bonnie narrowed her eyes and folded her arms over her chest, confusion yet curiosity washing over her. "I don't understand what that's supposed to mean, Kol," she said.

Kol chuckled, throwing his hands on her shoulders. "You're misunderstanding me, darling," she said. "There's nothing wrong with you being scared. I mean, you have every right to be. They did threaten to kill you and Hope. Talk to me."

Bonnie sighed. "I'm fine, Kol. Really, I am. I just want to find them before they find us because once they do, we're done. Over. I'm fine. Like I said, someone will die. Maybe Hope, maybe me, or maybe they'll change their minds and kill you. Just like they've been planning to since you turned your humanity off -" she rambled on.

"Bonnie," Kol called, but she didn't stop talking. Kol had to shut her up somehow, so he embraced her. Bonnie, along with that mouth of hers, settled down. She felt safe in his arms. Kol slowly released her, his brown eyes searching her emerald ones. "Talk to me," he said.

Bonnie let out a shaky laughter. "Well, I can't talk now that you've put all these butterflies in my stomach." They both laughed at that, the tension in the air momentarily lifting. "I'm scared, Kol...more than anything. If I kill the witches, every coven in town will hate me. But what scares me even more is that I might hate myself, too. I know it's stupid--"

Kol cut her off. "What you're feeling is not stupid, Bonnie. I said before that we should kill them, but if you have doubts, we can spare their lives."

Bonnie shook her head rapidly. "No, they have to die. One, they want Hope and me dead. Two, they have killed so many innocent vampires for their stupid rituals. Sure, I said we should try talking things out with them, but just like you said, that won't work. And right now, we can't afford things not to work, Kol. They are terrible human beings. I mean, they want to kill a child."

Kol raised his palms. "As I said, it's your call. I'm okay with whatever you choose to do. You know I don't mind killing those erratic wastes of energy."

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