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Christmas carols played in the Mikaelson home. Snow fell, and the trees were painted white by natural cause, making the environment more beautiful than it had usually been.

The Mikaelsons were only about the Christmas spirit after the first three years of Bonnie and Hayley moving in. Klaus would complain about the constant peppermint smell in almost every room from all the candles Bonnie lit. What did he expect by bringing a witch into his home?

"Wake up! It's Christmas eve." Bonnie shook Kol.

Kol opened his eyes, rubbing them to clear the blur. He looked to see Bonnie all jumpy and dressed up, wearing an elf hat that had bells jingling. "I'm awake," he repeated over Bonnie's constant yells for him to get up.

Bonnie grabbed his arm, pulling him off the bed. "We have plans today."

"Which would be?" Kol questioned, stretching.

"We are going to the toy drive down the block. I signed up to assist with the donation. Afterward, we'll come back here and put up the Christmas tree as a family, which should have been done a long time ago," Bonnie said.

"I think everyone forgot about that between Freya's wedding and the mass murdering happening around town, including you," Kol said.

"I guess I did forget, but it's not Christmas yet, so we have today to get that done."

"I guess you're right," Kol said.

Bonnie clapped, which slightly startled Kol. "Now. Go get ready and meet me downstairs in half an hour."

"Yes, ma'am."

"By the way, your outfit is hanging in the closet. Specially picked by me," Bonnie said as she began to walk out of the room.

Kol opened the closet to see an elf costume set hanging. "Oh, no."


Bonnie danced down the stairs. At the end of the stairwell was a ginger girl with striking blue eyes. Bonnie lifted Hope, spinning her around. Hope laughed in Bonnie's arms.

"Someone's happy," Hayley said before taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"What can I say? Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year," Bonnie said as she set Hope down.

"I second that," Hayley said.

"I want to paint, but I don't know what to paint," Hope said.

"I have an idea," Bonnie said. "Go to my room, open the closet, and you're going to see an elf costume. You can paint that with your uncle Kol in it."

Hope's eyes widened. "That's perfect!" She ran upstairs and to Bonnie's room for inspiration.

"Ah." Bonnie closed her eyes as she exhaled. "The morning's starting off just right."

"Why do I feel like your exaggerated excitement is your way of masking what's really bothering you?" Rebekah questioned, an eyebrow cocked.

"That's because it is," Klaus said as he and Elijah entered the living room.

"Our precious Bennett is being overly happy to hide her real worry of no job calling her back yet," Elijah added.

Bonnie gave them a murderous glare. "You two know me so well."

"If you're worried that we'll be kicking you out because you have absolutely no source of income, then you're wrong," Klaus said.


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