Drowning in an endless Sea

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"No," Freya said lowly. She walked across the bedroom to their unconscious bodies. Freya fell to her knees between them, not sure what to say or do. She knew she had to remain calm; shouting and crying would only distract her. She put one hand on Kol's chest, the other on Bonnie's. She closed her eyes and began chanting in her head, Venas, arteriae, sanguinem quod pertinet ad cor; Ego praecipio tibi beat et iterum, satus. It was a spell Aunt Dahlia had taught her to awaken those who appeared to be in a deep sleep. There was nothing, not even a single twitch to indicate whether the spell was working or not. Kol's ivory-white skin began to fade into pale grey and veins grew along his body. Freya's eyes widened as she watched her brother desiccate. She knew it was too late for him, so she tried to save Bonnie. She placed her two hands on Bonnie's chest, pressing on it repeatedly to resuscitate her. Her body jerked up and down from the action. "Come on, Bonnie, wake up!" Tears rushed down her face. She promised herself not to cry, but nothing she did worked.

Klaus and Rebekah could hear Freya's cries for help, so they vamp sped up the stairs and to her room. They stood at the doorway, frozen when their gaze dropped on Kol and Bonnie.

"What did you do to them?" Klaus asked, jaw clenched and fist balled.

"I- I don't know." Freya could barely catch her breath.

"That fool of a doctor was right; we should've left her in the ward," Klaus said to himself. "What did you do to them?"

Freya was at a loss for words. "I-"

"Answer me!"

"I don't know what I did!"

"Are they-" Rebekah could feel her throat close from the shock overtaking her body.

"I don't know," Freya said. "But I will fix this. And when I do, I'll leave and you guys will never see me again, I swear."


Kol slowly opened his eyes. Immediately, he threw his hand over his face to protect his eyes from the sun that shone so brightly. He sat up, using his hands to feel the ground. It had sharp edges, though they were delicate. That's when he looked down to see that he was on patches of grass. He stood up, turning to look at the environment around him. There were tall trees, falling leaves, and flies buzzing past his ear; the woods.

Confused wasn't even the word to describe how he felt right now; he was baffled. He was just at the cabin and all of a sudden, he was in the woods? Seems pretty baffling to me.

The first person who crossed his mind was..."Bonnie?" He called out for her as he walked through the forest. "Bonnie?" Once again, no reply.

He caught a glimpse of the road and ran towards it. The street was empty; not a single person in sight or so he thought. His eardrums sucked into a sound of a person breathing. He looked to see a woman laying down in the middle of the street, who appeared to be out cold. From the clothes to the hair to the face...he'd recognize that side profile anywhere. It was Bonnie! Upon seeing the witch, a faint smile spread across his face. 

The sound of an engine roaring crashed on Kol's ears. He looked to his right to see a woman wearing dark shades in a big black truck coming towards Bonnie at full speed. Luckily, he was faster. Kol vamp sped to Bonnie and grabbed her and ran out of the street, just in time before she could get run over.

The truck sped past them, coming to a halt.

"Dang it! I was so close," the woman huffed as she hopped out of the truck.

The woman removed her sunglasses and Kol was able to identify her. "Genevieve?"

"Hey, Mikaelson. Missed me?" Genevieve said, a coy smirk on her face.

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