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Bonnie and Kol searched around the compound for the diamond. While they dug around the dressers in one of the bedrooms, Bonnie found an old framed photo of Kol, Elijah, Klaus, Rebekah, and Marcel. She turned the frame around to see a print that read, 1914. A smile bloomed on her face, as she walked over to Kol to show him the photo.

"Wow, look at you," She praised. Kol took the photo out of Bonnie's hand and examined it, only really admiring himself in the photo. Classic Kol, such a narcissist when it came to his looks, "Yes, that is me. I remember that night vividly, 1914, it was Christmas. I was a lot better looking back then," He said. 

Bonnie scoffed, and leaned her head towards his shoulder-- trying to get a better view of the photo, "You wish (Kol laughs) You guys look so happy there..."

Kol let out a slight chuckle-- then sighed, "Yeah, we do."

Bonnie looked at him while his eyes were glued to the photo. He missed when times were simpler. He missed when they were a family, and not just by blood, but by love and virtue. His focus then drew back to the diamond, and he placed the frame back on the dresser. They continued searching the room for a couple of minutes. As time passed, it was nowhere to be found. Kol gestured for Bonnie to follow him out the room, but she stood still as she came to a realization.


The year rang in her head. Instantly, a vision came playing through her mind. She saw the Mikaelson family at an event, they were dancing and drinking, enjoying the tunes of the slow jazz music... Rebekah caught Kol snooping through the pockets of Klaus's blazer, she stopped him. They seemed to be arguing, but the vision was inaudible. 

What she saw, became more blurry by the second. Lastly, she saw Rebekah pull a jewelry box from behind the headboard of the bed, placing the diamond behind it, then locking it with a key afterwards.

Bonnie gasped, almost tripping to the ground-- but Kol caught her before she could, "Bonnie, are you alright?"

"Yeah, I think so, I just had a vision," She replied. "What did you see?" The original questioned. Bonnie was so in thought that she didn't even hear Kol's question, and made her way over to the bed, slightly pulling the headboard. It seemed to be a little rusted, considering its rested in the same place for years. Kol didn't know what she was looking for, but he ran over, and pushed the headboard in one try.

The jewelry box fell from behind, and Bonnie quickly picked it up, and placed it on the bed. "This is what I saw in my vision, the diamond is inside of here. Rebekah locked it with a key, we just have to--" Before she could finish her sentence, she was cut off by Kol pulling each ends of the jewelry box-- breaking it-- and the diamond fell to the floor.

Bonnie blinked back, "I guess finding the key won't be necessary," She said, a little stunned. Kol tucked his lips, as he tried to contain his excitement. He picked up the diamond, and honored it's beauty. To both of their surprises, it was still in good shape, like it had never been locked in a box for years.

"Wow, that diamond is beautiful," Bonnie said. Kol smiled at her, "Yes, it is-- you said Rebekah hid it?"

"I mean, from what I saw, yeah," Bonnie said.

Kol lowered his head, and scoffed, "She lied... she said she had no clue of its whereabouts." At this point, Bonnie felt like maybe she said too much. The witch shrugged, "I could be wrong, but that's what my vision showed me, and it proved me correct. Come on, let's go. I want to do this spell as quick as possible."


Kol watched as Bonnie chanted, and in a matter of seconds, the spell was done. She stood up from the floor, and handed the diamond back to Kol. "Thanks," She said, looking around her-- seeming anxious.

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