Struggling to be Understood

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"Okay, I admit I haven't been great at reaching out lately, but this thing about following Kol and me? That's new," Bonnie said, piercing her lips.

Alexis rolled her eyes, becoming annoyed. "Jesus, Bonnie, I was not following you," she said. "And even if I was, so what? I was worried about you, Bonnie. You haven't reached out to me in over a week."

Kol, driving, gently hit the brake as they approached a red light. They'd been driving for twenty minutes to drop Alexis home, most of it filled with Bonnie and Alexis arguing. Kol sighed heavily, glancing at Alexis through the rearview mirror and Bonnie through his side vision. Yes, he was annoyed, but he knew better than to get involved with two siblings arguing. He was thinking from experience.

"I haven't reached out to you at all," Bonnie retorted before realizing how awful that sounded.

Alexis shook her head. "And you're proud of it." The light changed, and Kol drove on. "You've made it clear you don't want me in your life, so why bring me home?"

"Because you're my sister, you're pregnant, and it's not safe for newcomers in Louisiana at night, plus it's cold," Bonnie explained, turning to Alexis. "And for the record, I never said I don't want you in my life."

"You don't have to say it. I can tell," Alexis replied sharply.

Bonnie couldn't help but chuckle, not because she was oh-so-jolly, but because she was frustrated. "Oh, I'm sorry! I just found out why our mother left me. Excuse me if I'm not prancing around like a freaking donkey!"

Kol snickered at Bonnie's donkey comment, and she threw him a murderous glare. Quickly, he wiped the smirk off his face.

Alexis sighed, shoulders slumping. "Okay, maybe, you're not prancing around like a donkey, which makes no sense, but you could have at least called to ask if I was okay."

"Here we go again," Bonnie sighed. "Alexis, can't you see that you're not the victim here? The real victim is-"

While Kol found Bonnie's donkey comment funny, their constant bickering drove him insane. He pulled over to the side of the road, his voice firm as he interrupted them. "Enough!" The car fell into silence. "You two have been at each other's throats for the past twenty minutes. If I have to listen to anyone else's complaints in this car, I might throw myself out this bloody window! Bonnie, apologize to Alexis for accusing her of following us around."

Crossing her arms like a stubborn child, Bonnie refused. "Nope. Not happening."

"Stop being childish, love. For heaven's sake, you're 26."

"She doesn't have to if she doesn't want to," Alexis shrugged, looking out the window.

While Bonnie was hurt, she knew she was being immature about this whole thing. When Freya first came into the picture, Bonnie urged the Mikaelsons to have a relationship with her because they were siblings at the end of the day. Now, Bonnie was being a hypocrite by treating her sister like this. She swallowed her pride. "I am sorry, Alexis..." she began, chipping at her fingernails, "...for my ridiculous assumptions. I guess you haven't been following Kol and me around town."

Kol turned to look at Alexis. "Well?" He wasn't forcing Alexis to forgive Bonnie, but he hoped she would at least acknowledge Bonnie's apology.

Alexis sighed and nodded. "I accept your apology, Bonnie. We're sisters. We argue, but we'll get past this," she said. "But, I won't apologize because I didn't do anything wrong. Wanting to know my little sister isn't a crime."

"It isn't, but trust is hard these days. Especially with-" Bonnie stopped as Kol put his hand on hers, urging her to listen.

"You're punishing me for what our Mother did," Alexis stated, tears forming.

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