The Grudge

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Suddenly, the door opened and there stood Stefan Salvatore, the youngest and nicest Salvatore brother. "What was I hearing about cursing out my friends and me?" he asked. 

"I was just expressing my excitement to see you all again, Stefan," Kol replied, giving Stefan a fake smile. 

Stefan narrowed his eyes at Kol, a silent challenge passing between them. But for peace to reign, Stefan let it go. He turned to the Bennett witch. "Bonnie!" He held his arms out for a hug. "Long time, right?"

Bonnie hugged him back and Kol couldn't help but roll his eyes. To Kol, Stefan's good guy act was worse than Damon's bluntness. 

"It's been so long. I'm glad you're back," Bonnie said as she pulled away. 

Stefan gestured to Davina. "Who's this?"

"This is my friend, Davina," Bonnie said. "She came here with me from New Orleans."

Stefan waved at Davina. "Nice to meet you, Davina. How are you?"

Davina, momentarily caught off guard by his perfectly styled hair and friendly demeanor, almost forgot to respond. "I-I'm great. Thanks for asking."

Kol rolled his eyes again. This time with more drama.

"Come in," Stefan said, stepping aside to let them enter. As Kol walked past, he shot Stefan a withering side-eye.

"Where's the bathroom?" Davina asked.

"First room upstairs on the left," Stefan replied.

Davina nodded her thanks and headed up the stairs.

As they stepped into the Gilbert home, Bonnie was hit with a wave of nostalgia mixed with sorrow. She had spent more time with the Gilberts than at her own house, sharing nights studying, snacking, and gossiping about boys. She'd even spent Thanksgiving with them. But this place, so full of fun memories, was also where all four of Elena's parents had died, where Bonnie had died, where Damon had killed her. Knots formed in her stomach, and she had to suppress the urge to vomit as the memories flooded back.

"Oh my gosh! Bonnie!" Elena's excited voice broke through Bonnie's dark thoughts. She ran up to her, engulfing her in a tight hug.

Bonnie returned the hug, smiling, though not as broadly as Elena. 

"Elena!" Bonnie exclaimed. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you, too!" Elena replied, pulling back.

Before Bonnie could fully collect herself, Caroline joined the hug, making it a group embrace that almost knocked Bonnie to the ground.

"Nice to see you, too, Care," Bonnie laughed. "Even though we just saw each other two weeks ago."

Both Elena and Caroline stepped back, struggling to contain their wide smiles.

"Two weeks is too long for me," Caroline said. "Oh-em-gee, we have so much to catch up on. I know we discussed you coming here, but I didn't think you'd actually come."

"Speaking of, how was it with your mom?" Elena asked.

"She's... her, I guess. Full of excuses and invalid arguments. Honestly, I wish I never met her," Bonnie said bluntly.

Caroline and Elena winced. "It was that bad?" Caroline asked.

"Yes," Bonnie said. "All she could say when I told her Grams died was, 'Well, she did a better job at raising you than I could have.' And then she laughed. She doesn't care about anyone but herself and Alexis. I'm happy Alexis had our mother there, but now that I met Abby, I kind of regret crying over her all those years, y'know?"

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